1971 Pontiac GTO Judge - Judging Fate

An ailing man entrusts a Castillian Bronze 455 H.O. '71 Judge to the friend who found it for him nine years earlierWhen Tim Allen was only 18 years old, his knowledge of Pontiacs was minimal at best. He knew what counted, though-he wanted a GTO. That January, just before his 19th birthday, Tim bought his very first, a '71 455 D-Port Goat. It was in the fall of that same year that everything changed because of a chance meeting. This now 42-year-old firefighter never could have foreseen how his involvement in the Pontiac hobby would affect his life or the friendships that would come along with it.

Photo Gallery: 1971 Pontiac GTO Judge - Custom Restored 455 H.O. '71 Judge - High Performance Pontiac Magazine

Photo Gallery: 1971 Pontiac GTO Judge - Custom Restored 455 H.O. '71 Judge - High Performance Pontiac Magazine

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