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Thread: F**k Comcast

  1. #1
    Sold: LS1 '85 El Camino ls1camino's Avatar
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    F**k Comcast

    I am too angry to type right now, so I'll just copy the email I sent to the Senior Vice President of Customer Services of Comcast.

    Mr. Germano,

    This is the 5th or 6th (possibly even the 7th) time over the past 2 years I have had a n ongoing problem with my Internet. It has always been resolved when a technician comes out and it always seems to be a problem outside of the house, never with my modem or router. This is getting freaking (I wanted to use another F word, but I'll stay semi-respectful) ridiculous and I have considered switching to Verizon on more than one occasion, cause they seem to have a more reliable service.

    The problem is this...the internet keeps timing out...I am running a constant ping on (ping -t and I am getting back inconsistent return is bouncing between 31ms, -320ms and even timing out about every 30 seconds. So, this is obviously a problem with my ISP, aka YOU.

    I am sending this email now, instead of one of the times before, is that you guys surpassed yourselves this morning. I started having problems with the internet on Friday (July 31st), and I called in to have a tech come over to my house and fix the internet. The earliest appointment was 7am to 10am on Saturday (August 8th). I work till 11 at night, and usually don't get home till 2330 and since it was a Friday Night I stayed up for a few hours catching up on some TV shows I recorded during the week and never got the chance to watch because of the two jobs I work during the week. So, I go to bed expecting to be woken up around 0700 with a tech at my door eager to fix my internet. Instead I wake up at 0950 thinking, well maybe he is running a few hours late and he will be at my house by 10 (since the appointment was for between 0700 and 1000). I got out of bed and checked my phone to see if I somehow missed a call (which never happens because I've gotten calls as early as 0530 and I've been woken up by them)..I did not have a missed call. So I wait till 1030 to call you guys and see what happened. I called and was informed that the appointment was canceled. Believe me I was pissed. I demanded to know why it was canceled. I was told that the tech tried to call, got no answer, so he/she canceled the appointment. When I said I was pissed, this had no comparison to what I was now. It was all I could do to not cuss the guy on the phone out. The only thing that held me back was the fact that I am a true believer I Karma and I knew that if I was overly nasty to this guy now, I would feel the repercussions of my actions tonight at work when I go to talk to a customer on the phone. So now I have an appointment for Monday morning (earliest I could get). I would like to add that now instead of handling this on my morning off (Today), I have to miss a day of work at my second job to be home for something that should have been taken care of 2-3 days earlier (depending on how you want to count)... aka: Today. I hope I have conveyed my anger adequately and that your email back to me has a good enough reason as to why it has taken a week and two different appointments to get this fixed...please note that I am giving you the benefit of the doubt in that the technician will fix this when he/she comes out on Monday.

    Very Respectfully (which is more than I would give anyone at Comcast right now),

    Jeremy Howard
    Current Resident/Renter

  2. #2
    Member c5z28's Avatar
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    I'm sure his secretary will send you a nice generic response back.

  3. #3
    Sold: LS1 '85 El Camino ls1camino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c5z28 View Post
    I'm sure his secretary will send you a nice generic response back.

  4. #4
    What I do? SHines-IT's Avatar
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    Comcast sucks, I can go into many reasons why they suck, with supporting facts. But to keep this simple, if you get Verizon FIOS in your area, do it.

  5. #5
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    99 Pontiac Trans Am #2466 sucks

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    awsome man great job

    Semi-respectful hahaha

  7. #7
    Member fxgs's Avatar
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    I'd be willing to bet you get no response.................and when are you switching to Verizon?

  8. #8
    Veteran 35th-ANV-SS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fxgs View Post
    I'd be willing to bet you get no response.................and when are you switching to Verizon?
    +1. Verizon FTW...

  9. #9
    Member Tide's Avatar
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    Call your local comcast office and get the name of the local president/gm as well as your regional president/gm. Cool down for about 5 hours. THEN, write a very professional, courteous email detailing your problems with Comcast; from your technical issues to the no show of the tech.

    I wrote a 7 page email detailing my problems with their no show, the lack of professionalism, and other problems I was having with the local comcast office. It included everything from the 'between 7 and 12' (I pay YOU, not the other way around, YOU show up when it's convenient for ME), that I was switching everything to DSL/DirectTV, etc. 5 minutes later, the regional guy is calling me at work asking how he can work this out, when i would be home (I told him 530pm), etc.

    I got home at 515pm, four service trucks (techs) and a Mercedes (local president/gm) were sitting in front of my house to rewire everything from the outside hub to the inside of my house at every outlet (with free signal boosters). I also got 9 months of their highest speed internet at 1/4 the price and 9 months EVERYTHING for the price of basic cable. Apparently, I'm on their 'do not fuck with list' because everytime I call about something, it's fixed pronto.

    Be polite. Be respectful. Be courteous. It's business, not personal. You catch more flies with sugar.

  10. #10
    Member EnjoiJoe's Avatar
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    I have comcast and it sucks. I want fois, but it is ant avalible in my area

  11. #11
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    Yeah comcast sucks. Ive had problems for over a year with the tv cutting it and out and freezing. Most of the time they cant do anything but once the y found a problem down the road. Worked for a little bit but now they are coming back.

  12. #12
    Senior Member TransAm11973's Avatar
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    switched to verizon.......their service isnt much better,....its better in some areas and worse in others so really it evens out. Basically all such monopoly companies suck the big D

  13. #13
    Senior Member INMY01TA's Avatar
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    Ya Comcast are greedy mofos but Verizon has the worst customer service I've ever experienced.

  14. #14
    Impounded 86 IROC-Z's Avatar
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    Looks like you need some tips on handling problems.

    aka YOU.
    Believe me I was pissed.
    If I were sent any type of message with this sort of writing I would just lol and move it to the /care pile on my desk. Stop writing like an angsty teenager.
    you guys surpassed yourselves
    "cmon u guys srsly" Professionalism at it's best.
    Proofreading goes a long way in gaining respect.
    since it was a Friday Night I stayed up for a few hours catching up on some TV shows I recorded during the week and never got the chance to watch because of the two jobs I work during the week.
    Hahhhhh Mr. Big shot executive totally cares what your boring life consists of on a friday night. Leave the stories in your blog entries.

    You say you want respect, professionalism and reliability given to you through their service. However, you're not doing much to show you're worth it.

    And save me the "paying customer is always right" babble. If it really bothered you that much you would've stopped sending whiny emails at #2 and switched providers.

  15. #15
    ʢ ൧ ൨ ൩ ൪ ൫ ൬ ൭ ൮Ր Ց Ւ Փ Smittro's Avatar
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    Forget being nice about anything! They dont care weather you're nice or not!
    You're a custumer number nothing more. Me I'm not nice @ all. Total dick! As long as money is comming out of my pocket they work fo me period. I've even made comcast tech redrill and repair my wall after I walked in and saw the dipshit drilling a hole in the middle of my fucking wall! The MIDDLE of my fucking wall? Then try to put a cover on the cable outlet crooked and did'nt even match the rest of my outlet covers..I'll tell you what I have exellent service now too. I dont play when it comes to money, even if it's only 130.00 bucks a month.. If I have to call 50 times for them to get it right, I damn sure will too.. If they dont care I dont care, be professional and I'll be professional..It's a freakin' coax not life support..

    Suggestion: If you are particularly irritated by another member's posting habits and are constantly fighting the urge to flame them, you can click on that person's profile, and select "Add to ignore list." This will make that person's posts invisible to you.

  16. #16
    Junior Member loasdrums's Avatar
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    All monopolies ie phone, cable, power... are governed buy local municipalities. Contact them about Comcast then talk to the people at Comcast and let them know that you filed a complaint. They should be helpful after that. Probably not free service with a Mercedes/ Suite on site kissing ass but you should at least receive costumer service.
    BTW here is an interesting read:

    "Sep 02, 2008 -- Cable companies raising rates and capping internet usage
    Clark despises monopolies. He has a built-in prejudice that makes him automatically expect bad things from them. One of his least favorite monopolies (one that invariably gets some of the lowest score in customer satisfaction ratings) is the cable industry. Comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, is not only raising rates by around 5%, but it's recently begun to put caps on the usage of its Comcast internet service. What's driving this? Clark says to look toward South Korea, which has one of the most advanced internet systems in the world. Younger Koreans no longer subscribe in large numbers to pay television. They watch TV mainly over the internet and on their advanced-technology media phones. Over the next year or two it will become much easier to get internet programming onto your big screen in this country as well. Comcast is very afraid of this trend, and has responded with this cap on internet usage. If you exceed their limit, they'll fire you as a customer. Time Warner Cable is looking at metering internet usage as well.

    Even though the US pioneered the web, our internet capacity is now at third world standards. Other countries are much more advanced, and pricing reflects that. For example, Korea's ultra-fast high speed connection costs only about $7 a month - compare that to what you're paying here in the States! You can thank the cable monopolies for that. "

  17. #17
    Junior Member loasdrums's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smittro View Post
    even if it's only 130.00 bucks a month..
    I glad to hear that $130 a month isn't all that much to you. That's $1560 a year. If I'm paying that much it should be service with a smile and that smile better be on my face.

  18. #18
    Resident Mississippian BdAsBrd01's Avatar
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    Man I hate Dumcast! We've had problems with them before too. Calling them to fix a problem is like dialing 1-800-I Don't Give A Shit, believe me, They Don't!!! It's the same song and dance every time-- some ignorant gum smacking bimbo-- "Sir, did you unplug the box from the wall for at least 30 seconds......( Whilst I TRY to be nice, all the while thinking "Hell yes! Why else would I be calling you now Dumbass!)
    My favourite trick was when they cut the HBO channels from 14 to 7 and kept the fucking price the same..oh yeah and keep upping the price by about $15.00 per year.

  19. #19
    Impounded 86 IROC-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BdAsBrd01 View Post
    Man I hate Dumcast!

  20. #20
    Sold: LS1 '85 El Camino ls1camino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 86 IROC-Z View Post
    Looks like you need some tips on handling problems.

    If I were sent any type of message with this sort of writing I would just lol and move it to the /care pile on my desk. Stop writing like an angsty teenager.

    "cmon u guys srsly" Professionalism at it's best.

    Proofreading goes a long way in gaining respect.

    Hahhhhh Mr. Big shot executive totally cares what your boring life consists of on a friday night. Leave the stories in your blog entries.

    You say you want respect, professionalism and reliability given to you through their service. However, you're not doing much to show you're worth it.

    And save me the "paying customer is always right" babble. If it really bothered you that much you would've stopped sending whiny emails at #2 and switched providers.
    Thanks...I'll take your suggestions into consideration the next time I'm pissed off and writing an email to someone I've never met.

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