Corvette Buyers Guide - Preparing To Buy A Corvette At Auction

A step-by-step Guide to buying Corvettes at auctionMike Antonick's Corvette Black Book, Alan Colvin's Corvette By The Numbers 1955-82, this author's Corvette Illustrated Encyclopedia, and other books are wonderful for giving you the lowdown on the facts, figures, and specs, but you want someone with intimate knowledge of the particular model you've got your eye on to make sure everything is legit, and the car is the real deal and all that it is touted to be. you're probably going to be spending some major bucks bidding on this car, and you want to ensure you're not overlooking any details during the inspection of the vehicle. Two passes are usually provided to registered buyers, so the extra expense of hiring an expert who can do a thorough inspection and an accurate appraisal is a worthwhile investment before you cast your bid.

Photo Gallery: Corvette Auction Buyers Guide - How To Buy A Vette At Auction - Corvette Fever Magazine

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