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  1. #1
    Just a farmboy V8MUSCLE's Avatar
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    M1 garand saved my brother

    so... last friday i went to one of the pool alleys just to play with a couple buddies of mine. were goofin around drinking our fill when this one guy decides to bet me 20 bucks for a game. now i suck ass at pool, being drunk and not caring i go for it, and win. so he bets again, 20 bucks. i go for it, win again. a third time, same thing. then the fourth he says he wants to win his money back and wants to go for 200. no way, i dont have that kind of cash. i go to walk away and he tells me im going to play him. i go back to the pool table with my buddies and him and the bouncer come over. the bouncer grabs my left arm and throws me against the pool table, and tells me im going to play him for 200. one of my buddies who is in the Marines hits the bouncer in the head with a chair and all hell breaks loose. by the end of the fight, Chris, one of my buddies has a broken nose, and the Marine, ended up getting his arm cut by the guy who wanted to bet me. i ended up only getting hit by a pool stick in the chest. the bouncer ends up getting his jaw broke and 4 teeth knocked out, and the other guy ended up getting his shoulder dislocated and a broken nose. we took of running before anyone else could get involved. on the way out i threw a qball at a huge mirror they had behind the counter, shattering that.

    the next day i get a call from the owner of the pool alley. he tells me that we broke the bouncers jaw, nose and gave him a concussion, but insurance covered all of that. the other guys insurance covered everything that happened to him. the 3 chairs were covered by insurance, the mirror i broke with the qball was covered aswell, but the pool stick that ended up getting broke wasnt covered and if i paid 80 bucks for the stick he would forget about the incident. i pretty much told him to shove it up his ass and hung up.

    on the first, i hear some screams coming from my front yard so i run to the window and look out and see 3 full grown men beating my brothers ass with pool sticks. i run to my room, grab my gun, M1 Garand dial 911 on my cell, tell dispatch whats up as im loading my gun headed to the door. i get to the door and my dog, a Great Pyrenees, has come around from the back and is on one of the guys, one is still beating my brother and the other is trying to get the dog off. my brother is on the ground no longer screaming and i take a shot at the guy still hitting my brother, he drops, but gets up and starts stumbling away. my dog, who is gun-shy, took off running, the guy she was on isnt moving, but the other guy starts running to their car, not wanting them to get away i empty my gun, 7 more shots, on the engine area of the car.

    Im not about to shoot somebody in the back, so i reload and run to my brother who is conscious but not moving. no real wounds, just took a major beating. the guy i shot made it about 20 yards from my brother and is laying on the ground hollering for his buddies to get over there and telling me hes going to beat my ass. the guy my dog mauled starts to gets up and come toward us, but when i pointed my rifle at him he wisely decided to lay back down. my neighbor, the camaro cop, heard the shots and saw me and my brother in the yard starts running over to see whats wrong and finds the 3rd guy hiding in the woods.

    all 3 of them end up getting charged with assault with a deadly weapon and trespassing. i ended up getting charged with reckless discharge of a firearm, apparently you cant shoot somebody's car in an effort to keep them from getting away, and failure to keep an animal on a leash or in a pen, i also got to spend the night in jail. along with the rifle getting confiscated and concealed carry permit has been suspended until the trial. and my dog has been quarantined pending an investigation, which might end up with the dog getting put down, even if its ruled self defense, which is complete bullshit.

    my neighbor tells me thats standard practice even in cut and dry self defense cases, and that a dog that large, even in a defense case like this usualy ends up getting put down.

    the guy that got shot was hit in the shoulder and is fine, but in jail, the guy the dog got is still in the hospital needing reconstructive surgery on his face and his left arm has been shredded, he gets to go to jail when he gets out of the hospital. the third guy went straight to jail, along with me.

    my arraignment was on the second, the judge said it looks like self defense so no charges are being pressed for shooting the guy, but the reckless discharge of a firearm is going through. bail was 2k, which my dad paid, so im free, for a while.

    so im a free man until December 15th, when i go to court. my lawyer says it sounds like ill get off easy, but shooting the car was a bad move, hard to tell how that will go. he says since i have goodish behavior, only 2 speeding tickets, and 7 exhaust violations, i will probably walk out with about 3-5k worth of fines and community service. the most they can give me 1 year.

    the night in jail was sleepless, private cell, but it kept replaying through my head. shooting the guy isnt really whats bothering me, its the beating my brother took, that was meant for me.

    the cops told us to stay away from that pool ally and if anyone from there contacts us call them.

  2. #2
    Just a farmboy V8MUSCLE's Avatar
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    sorry for the long read.

  3. #3
    Impwnded Smkn_TA's Avatar
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    30:06 only needs one shot to disable a car for future reference!

    I can relate to you on the brother thing. If I saw my brother getting beat like that I would have done headshots.

  4. #4
    I don't sell out! blackSS01's Avatar
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    Wow!!! You are the fuckin man. I would have did the same shit. Obviously the pool alley and that guy had some sneaky shit going on. Sounds like a perfect shark set up game that he tried to pull on you. You will be in my prayers to get off with nothing, since those fuck heads deserved every and I mean EVERY thing they got

    Man: The Mods you are fighting,
    they are the biggest Men I have ever seen. I
    wouldn't want to fight them!

    Me: That is why no one will remember your name!

  5. #5
    Member EnjoiJoe's Avatar
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    Good job on protecting you family Hope everyhting works out for you

  6. #6
    Just a farmboy V8MUSCLE's Avatar
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    i know it sounds weird, but im not really worried about possible jail time. im more worried about my dog. tonight is the first night in 7 years she hasnt slept in my room.

  7. #7
    Senior Member SeVeReDiStOrTiOn's Avatar
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    That's fuckin awesome...a 7.62 round to the shoulder woooo buddy he's screwed for life with shoulder pain I bet scarface is gonna get all the ladies. How's your bro doing? That's BS that your dog might get put down.

  8. #8
    Member EnjoiJoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V8MUSCLE View Post
    i know it sounds weird, but im not really worried about possible jail time. im more worried about my dog. tonight is the first night in 7 years she hasnt slept in my room.
    I doubt you will get jail time you did what you had to do hopefully the judge will see that

  9. #9
    What I do? SHines-IT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smkn_TA View Post
    30:06 only needs one shot to disable a car for future reference!

    I can relate to you on the brother thing. If I saw my brother getting beat like that I would have done headshots.
    Same, pick your poison.... Bushmaster M4, S&W .45?

  10. #10
    Just a farmboy V8MUSCLE's Avatar
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    my bro's fine, hes a tough little bastard. i guess its a good thing i beat his ass for the past 17 years to toughen him up. he ended up going to football practice the next day, the coach wouldnt let him do anything, but he was still there.

    the bullshit about the dog is it doesnt even go infront of a judge, game and inland fisheries handles that. the camaro cop said he was going to try to pull a few strings, since he knows the dog and was first on the scene.

  11. #11
    I don't sell out! blackSS01's Avatar
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    Any good judge would let you go. The shooting the car is kinda risky since you could have hit someone else or some shit is what he will probably say. Your dog was just doing what any GOOD dog would and thats protect the pack, he should be free also if he has no prior bites. I hope it goes good, keep us informed. If it was me and me being a idiot at times would more then likely burn down the alley since they obviously had something to do with it......wait, I would find someone to do it while I had a air tight excuse. Then I would move

  12. #12
    Member EnjoiJoe's Avatar
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    I say if they make you put the dog down bring your m1 and do some damage in the court room

  13. #13
    Veteran Hi-Po's Avatar
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    Holy Hell! Awesome story. Sorry about your, brother, rifle, jail night, dog etc... but its sounds great. Hell, you should some dude in the shoulder with a 30.06/ dog rips a face off and killed a car. Good luck with everything.

  14. #14
    Just a farmboy V8MUSCLE's Avatar
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    she has no prior bites, and all her shots, taxes, tags, and is registered. you have to register large breeds in my area, pitbulls for some reason arnt classified as large breeds, stupid ass Virginia.

    the camaro cop has come through for me and my family on a lot of other stuff, so im trying to stay positive.

    and they took my M1, they said i could get it back after my time has been served.
    i am still allowed to have guns and sell them, i work at a gun store, but my CCW permit has been suspended. if i get guilty i think i loose that, but since its a misdemeanor i should be allowed to still have my non class 3 guns. so i might have a supressed 10/22 for sale in a couple months.

  15. #15
    Senior Member raynor139's Avatar
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    Good luck to you and your dog man. But no matter what happens remember at least 2 of those fuckheads will have to wake up everymorning and look at the scars that you and your dog gave them.

  16. #16
    Just a farmboy V8MUSCLE's Avatar
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    im gonna try to sleep now, so i might be back in a hour or so depending on how that goes.

  17. #17
    BAHHBYE Stone's Avatar
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    I work in a pool hall and im an avid pool player. But I can tell you there are some crooked, no good, SOBs that are like that.

    Good job on what you did! I hate people like that. Pussys!!!! Going beating up someone who wasnt even invloved.

  18. #18
    I don't sell out! blackSS01's Avatar
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    ^ I hate that shit too......BIG TIME!!! If you have a problem with someone do it man to man and with no weapons You pretty much have to have a gun with you now a days with all the bitches that like to use weapons and do this 3 on 1 bullshit. I would have shot everyone of those cocksucker without hesitation. EXCEPT.... I would have shot them in the knee cap Lets see how there life would be after that. OP is the man of the year for my vote

  19. #19
    Member gd1996's Avatar
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    Thats just crazy! First the pool hall thing... people have been pulling that shit for years. I don't ever play for money. I'm also with you on the dog thing, my dogs have always been with me and if someone attacked your family and on your property, no way the dog deserves to be put down. I don't know what I would do in your position, but I'd find a way no matter what.

  20. #20
    Member 346ci's Avatar
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    Dang, good job on defending your bro. Good luck with it all

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