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    Considering joining the military

    This is semi-long, cliff notes at the bottom.

    So for those of you who know me, Ive been going to school full time for the last 9 months to be an operating engineer in the HVAC field. For those of you who don't know that this is, its basically a mechanic who installs, maintains, and repairs all systems for a building or house that have to do with the heating, ventillation and AC systems. I know, sounds fascinating.

    I chose to do this becuase my dad has been doing it for the last 20 years of his life, basically since he was my age. He started his own business in febuary of this year and the plan was for me to go to school and get my degree and all the appropriate licenses. Well so far Ive gotten my City of Seattle Refrigeration License, and part of my CFC certification. Im half way through gettin my HAZMAT card as well.

    There are 2 problems with this plan.

    The first being that its dificult to work in such close proximity to a family member. Especially when you argue quite a bit and your both stubborn and argumentative already. I think about this and I realize that me working for him would probably end up with us arguing and me quitting. It could also lead to a big fight and us not talking for some time.

    Other problem is I have been doing this for 9 months, and, in all honesty, I don't enjoy it so far. I don't think I will be able to do this for the next 40 years.

    I've been thinking of what else to do with my life. I came up with the idea of joining the army. It seems to fit because it will hopefully teach me self-discipline, respect, and courage. It will also give me time to decide what I want to do with my life. So I brought up the idea to my dad tonight and basically he said that if I chose to do this, I would have a hard time getting back to school when I got done, assuming I do 4 years.

    I have 100% no idea what I want to do and for some reason this just seems to fit. I don't want to regret what I did with my life 40 years from now and I have a feeling that if I stick with HVAC I will. I can't stand the idea of regretting what I did with myself and what I became.
    __________________________________________________ _________
    Cliff Notes(sorry for the novel )

    Basically Im having trouble deciding what I want to do for a career. Im considering joining the army. What do you guys think? Im just looking for opinions and thoughts. Thank you.
    Last edited by gettin sideways; 07-05-2006 at 09:38 PM.

  2. #2
    "Other problem is I have been doing this for 9 months, and, in all honesty, I don't enjoy it so far. I don't think I will be able to do this for the next 40 years."

    Here is you're answer, get out now. I suggest you take a vacation or travel to clear your head and really think about things.

    "I've been thinking of what else to do with my life. I came up with the idea of joining the army. It seems to fit because it will hopefully teach me self-discipline, respect, and courage."

    Don't believe the posters and billboard..

  3. #3
    Veteran Hi-Po's Avatar
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    Well Mike, read the cliff notes first then read your "novel". Ive seen worse LoL"
    But you really gotta think about this man, this is 4 years of your life, 4 years of your young life. 20 thru 24? wheww, those are the good years, i know cause im in them right now. My absolute best friend is in the Marines, right now he is in Iraq. Doing crazy shit, he is a badass. I just talked to him yesterday on the phone, same as usual. He misses home so much. All he talks about is how when i gets out he will be 24 almost 25. He is turning 21 the 10th of july. No he will not be going to the bar, the is in 135* heat. Gettin shot at with no women,beer, of anything "homey". But at the same time, Serving is great. Absoultly not for me, thats a real long time to invest. I hope i didnt sound to biased, ---- well i guess i am. Just do what feels right. Dont let that damn recruiter talk his game on you into signing something.

    And who the hell what i talk to at 3 Am ? haha.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Bigrus's Avatar
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    Dont do it. If you have college, and a job do not do it.

    Just take a break. 3 of my buddies let the recruiters give them the world and when they went in the got shafted. They regret leaving college and a paid job. Also i have had more job offers now than my brother who just returned home because im already 80% done with my college and he has to start now that he is out of the military.

    Unless you plan on doing more than a few years in the military its not the best idea.

    Yeah its looks good on a resume, but so does an education, and experience.

  5. #5
    Veteran Hi-Po's Avatar
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    oooo yes x2

  6. #6
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    Well I'm pretty damn sure I dont what to do what I'm doing now, I can tell you that much.

    Im lost. If feels like the right thing to do. It really does.

    As far as what I do when I get out, Ive considered becoming a licensed private investigator. I have a friend who's family does it and they love it. I spent the 4th with them and they seem to enjoy doing what they are doing. They also make pretty good money doing it. Ive considering getting involved in that some way.

  7. #7
    Then become a PI right now, why wait?

    Get the army thing out of your head..also find yourself a sexy 40 something chick

  8. #8
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    Sorry, I probably should have explained the whole situation better.

    My friend will be taking over this family business in several years, depending on when he graduates with his business degree. This will probably still be atleast 3 years away, most likely more than that.

    I plan to become an armed PI, or from what I understood from them, basically, one of the guys that does the dirty work. Both me and my friend willl be.

    Thing about joinging the military is that it takes up that 4 years with something respectable. It gives me training in weapons. It gives me the attributes I mentioned earlier as well. I wouldnt be wasting my time and money going to college to learn something I don't want to do.

    Sorry if this doesnt make much sense, Ill try to explain better tomorrow. Ive been up since real early this morning and it was a damn long day.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Bigrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettin sideways View Post
    . If feels like the right thing to do. It really does.

    Then do it get signed up tomorrow. I know you will regret it as soon as you finish bootcamp. Its not the "I had so much fun in the military and saw so much" stuff alot of these guys post. Do not think its the end of all your problems like just because you joined your always going to have a job, or everyone is going to respect you.

    Seriously your passing up something alot of people do not get. Your getting an education and experience.

    Like i said take a couple of weeks off and have a rest if you still want to join the military then jump in head first.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gettin Sideways
    It seems to fit because it will hopefully teach me self-discipline, respect, and courage.
    I was in the Army for 8 years. Courage cannot be taught. You have it or you don't. The Army is a tool of self awareness to measure the amount of ones own courage. Yes, self dicipline and respect are virtues that can be learned in the Army.

    Quote Originally Posted by Getin Sideways
    I would have a hard time getting back to school when I got done, assuming I do 4 years.
    College courses are offered in the Army. I used the GI Bill to finance my college when I got out. You gotta specify that you want the GI Bill when you sign up. Since I did 8 years I also got the VA loan benefits which helped me buy my first and second house. I can tell you this. Most if not all employers will hire prior service applicants. Especially a veteran.

    You will learn alot about yourself and see alot of people from far different walks of life. Bootcamp is a motherfucker but millions preceded you so you'll be fine just knowing that. Most likely see some time overseas. Of course Iraq is highly possible with a stint in the Army. I'm not in the suggestion business so think about it real hard yourself. Put yourself thru the worst case scenarios like what if my gf dumps me or what about Iraq? What if the military holds me in longer than 4 years? What can you deal with and what can't you? Know what I mean? Weigh it out. There are alot of benefits from uncle sam too. Going to college on uncle sams dime feels real good.

    Good Luck

  11. #11
    Senior Member SeVeReDiStOrTiOn's Avatar
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    It should be mandatory to serve IMO....with you having the option of which branch. You'll learn a lot in the military...a hell of a lot more then the toolshed's that go straight to college after high school, party for four years and smoke their brain away.

    There's colleges on base that you can go to and not pay a dime...or if you're deployed a lot then you can wait and get paid 1200 a month using your GI Bill.

    I did 4 yrs in the corps and wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm in college now and it's great also...but the lack of any respect or discipline from these turds coming straight out of high school makes me sick. Many disrespect the professors/teachers in one way or just boggles my mind.

    If everyone had the same opinion as some of the people in this thread...well, you can guess how fucked this country would be. I'm not completely bias though, there will be times when being enlisted is gonna blow ass...but you'll get through it. Enlisting in a time of war takes brass balls...especially if you decide to be a grunt.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Bigrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeVeReDiStOrTiOn View Post
    It should be mandatory to serve IMO....with you having the option of which branch. You'll learn a lot in the military...a hell of a lot more then the toolshed's that go straight to college after high school, party for four years and smoke their brain away.

    There's colleges on base that you can go to and not pay a dime...or if you're deployed a lot then you can wait and get paid 1200 a month using your GI Bill.

    I did 4 yrs in the corps and wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm in college now and it's great also...but the lack of any respect or discipline from these turds coming straight out of high school makes me sick. Many disrespect the professors/teachers in one way or just boggles my mind.

    If everyone had the same opinion as some of the people in this thread...well, you can guess how fucked this country would be. I'm not completely bias though, there will be times when being enlisted is gonna blow ass...but you'll get through it. Enlisting in a time of war takes brass balls...especially if you decide to be a grunt.
    Not even gonna pick apart your first statment but look how well countries do that have mandatory military service.

    Also we are turds because either we were smart enough to get a scholarship or had enough wealth in the family to go to school and get a education?

    Yeah all of us highschool grad partied our years away....obviously you think alot of us do not know anything or have friends or family in the military i doubt they would need military prisons if it was full of people like you drugs are in the military at all

    Please and you wonder why no one respects you when you come out with the holier than thou attitude just because you served.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigrus View Post
    Not even gonna pick apart your first statment but look how well countries do that have mandatory military service.

    Also we are turds because either we were smart enough to get a scholarship or had enough wealth in the family to go to school and get a education?

    Yeah all of us highschool grad partied our years away....obviously you think alot of us do not know anything or have friends or family in the military i doubt they would need military prisons if it was full of people like you drugs are in the military at all

    Please and you wonder why no one respects you when you come out with the holier than thou attitude just because you served.
    Yea there's drugs in the military...there's drugs everywhere. Eventually they're caught....I can't even tell you how many 2am piss tests i've had....and tactics like that keep drug usage to a minimum. The drug use with college students far exceeds that of the military as it stands today.

    I never said people don't respect was said as a blanket statement about their lack of discipline and respect...I used the professors as a example.

    I'm not trying to sound "holier than thou"...but how can you give an unbias opinion when you've only lived in one world? I've lived in both and i'm not bragging at all...many many people have done what i've done...and I can spot most of them out a mile away. IMO the best thing to do is BOTH...there's no reason at all to not serve and go to school.

    BTW you roll your eyes more then my g/f

  14. #14
    Hemi Destroyer 98-LS1's Avatar
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    Another option for you is joining the Reserves, you'll still get all the benefits and training but will be home to attend college, unless you get called up of course. I went the Reserve route and do not regret it one bit, yes I spent 464 long miserable days in Iraq back in 03 and 04 but I knew it was a possibility when I signed up. The Army has sent me to alot of schools, has helped me get a Federal full time job and has taught me values, something most people anymore don't have. It's been a great experience, got to see different places of the world, meet interesting people and serve my country as well.

  15. #15
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    I've been in the air force almost 7 years now and was in the army for 2 and as someone said above being enlisted is going suck alot sometimes, but as with anything else it will be great other times, obviously I think it's a good thing, to be honest boot camp does suck but once your in the active army(etc) you'll have fun, but it comes with alot of sacrifice, not going home for months even years on end, I hope you are either single or married, don't go in if you have a girl friend you really care about, it'll probably end up bad, but on on the plus side you'll get to see countries and meet people you'd have never got to meet any other way, also the benefits are awesome, BX, commisary, free med. insurance, free lodging, free food, I mean just research it and if you ever have any questions feel free to PM me or e-mail me

  16. #16
    Window Licker Sassy Cassie's Avatar
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    What MOS are you considering?

  17. #17
    Speak the truth jad628's Avatar
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    It will work for you, if YOU make it work.

    Did my time with the 101st Airborne (Air Assault). Considered my options when I was approaching re-up time and was leaning towards Warrant Officer/Flight School. It would have meant a total of ten years, minimum commitment and first duty station would have likely been Korea. I decided to get out and become a police officer. Twenty years of that now. That's my short story, and now my advice to you:

    Consider the Army. Understand that there will be times that life absolutely sucks because you went that route. You will not be highly paid, but there are some tax benefits that help and some variable assistance adjustments/hazardous duty pay/combat pay depending on your assignment. You will meet some leaders who inspire and some you want to kill. You will do things you never thought you could, and find out your own limitations.

    You will get scared will happen. You will also learn about duty, honor and courage. You will witness the same traits from those you serve with. You will see some others fail. No joke here, you may face death and lose. It is dangerous at times. If you survive, you take experiences with you throughout your future life that will shape the character of the person you are. No one can take that from you.

    Some will say that is bravado. Bullshit, it is exactly the truth. Any miltary branch is something to be proud of. I am an Army veteran, but I respect Marines, Sailors, and Airmen for the sacrifice they have made and continue to make, as well. It is a badge of honor. There will always be those who badmouth it, but they live under the protection of the very military that they admonish publicly. If they didn't serve, they will never understand. If you do, you will. Two years ago, I visited Pearl Harbor and the tour started with a speech from a Pearl Harbor survivor. I had tears in my eyes. I bonded with that man.

    Anytime the 101st has a division ceremony, the Battle of the Bulge is spoken of. Usually it ends with the discussion about the German demand for surrender of the 101st that were at Bastogne. Hopelessly outnumbered, in numbing cold, without supplies or much ammunition, and with no hope for air cover, General McAuliffe, then Commander of the 101st, just replied with one word, "nuts". It is widely accepted that as the German dispatch was accompanied back to the perimeter, one German turned to an American NCO and asked what McAuliffe meant by nuts. The soldier told him it meant they could go to hell, and that the 101st would kill every one of the son of a bitches if they tried to take Bastogne. If you know your history, you know that the 101st held Bastogne against a massive German counter-offensive and eventually were relieved by Patton. That story is repeated to remind troopers of the 101st that the Division has a proud history and it is expected of each soldier to continue with that tradition. That is honor, and it is a priceless thing.

    The military isn't for everybody. It will challenge you and it can break you, but if you rise above the challenge, you will never regret it.

    One last thing about mandatory service, anybody who says it never works needs to take a hard look at the most neutral country in the world...Switzerland.

    Good luck with your decision.


  18. #18
    Hemi Destroyer 98-LS1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jad628 View Post
    Did my time with the 101st Airborne (Air Assault). Considered my options when I was approaching re-up time and was leaning towards Warrant Officer/Flight School. It would have meant a total of ten years, minimum commitment and first duty station would have likely been Korea. I decided to get out and become a police officer. Twenty years of that now. That's my short story, and now my advice to you:

    Consider the Army. Understand that there will be times that life absolutely sucks because you went that route. You will not be highly paid, but there are some tax benefits that help and some variable assistance adjustments/hazardous duty pay/combat pay depending on your assignment. You will meet some leaders who inspire and some you want to kill. You will do things you never thought you could, and find out your own limitations.

    You will get scared will happen. You will also learn about duty, honor and courage. You will witness the same traits from those you serve with. You will see some others fail. No joke here, you may face death and lose. It is dangerous at times. If you survive, you take experiences with you throughout your future life that will shape the character of the person you are. No one can take that from you.

    Some will say that is bravado. Bullshit, it is exactly the truth. Any miltary branch is something to be proud of. I am an Army veteran, but I respect Marines, Sailors, and Airmen for the sacrifice they have made and continue to make, as well. It is a badge of honor. There will always be those who badmouth it, but they live under the protection of the very military that they admonish publicly. If they didn't serve, they will never understand. If you do, you will. Two years ago, I visited Pearl Harbor and the tour started with a speech from a Pearl Harbor survivor. I had tears in my eyes. I bonded with that man.

    Anytime the 101st has a division ceremony, the Battle of the Bulge is spoken of. Usually it ends with the discussion about the German demand for surrender of the 101st that were at Bastogne. Hopelessly outnumbered, in numbing cold, without supplies or much ammunition, and with no hope for air cover, General McAuliffe, then Commander of the 101st, just replied with one word, "nuts". It is widely accepted that as the German dispatch was accompanied back to the perimeter, one German turned to an American NCO and asked what McAuliffe meant by nuts. The soldier told him it meant they could go to hell, and that the 101st would kill every one of the son of a bitches if they tried to take Bastogne. If you know your history, you know that the 101st held Bastogne against a massive German counter-offensive and eventually were relieved by Patton. That story is repeated to remind troopers of the 101st that the Division has a proud history and it is expected of each soldier to continue with that tradition. That is honor, and it is a priceless thing.

    The military isn't for everybody. It will challenge you and it can break you, but if you rise above the challenge, you will never regret it.

    One last thing about mandatory service, anybody who says it never works needs to take a hard look at the most neutral country in the world...Switzerland.

    Good luck with your decision.


    Thats an excellent post John, cool to see another fellow airborne soldier on here. My unit was attached to the 101st AB in Iraq back in 2003, I got to tell you them were some fighting troops! We are a Army Reserve MP company from the 81st RRC here in East Tennessee, down to eight people total after we returned from Iraq, we were at 23 personel but everyone retired and got out. Anyway being with the 101st AB for the first 6 months was a very good experience, them boys wear that Eagle proudly on their shoulder. If I was active duty then Ft. Campbell would be my duty station of choice for sure. I went to Air Assault School at Campbell but went to Basic training for my 13B MOS at Ft. Benning then re-classed to MP at Ft. Leanardwood.

  19. #19
    I am Useless Ice Spiral's Avatar
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    Don't join unless you are absolutely desperate for the money, and are willing to go half way around the world and get shot at.

    And no, I'm not insulting the military - my grandfather is a decorated colonel that fought in Korea and Vietnam.

  20. #20
    Speak the truth jad628's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 98-LS1 View Post
    Thats an excellent post John, cool to see another fellow airborne soldier on here. My unit was attached to the 101st AB in Iraq back in 2003, I got to tell you them were some fighting troops! We are a Army Reserve MP company from the 81st RRC here in East Tennessee, down to eight people total after we returned from Iraq, we were at 23 personel but everyone retired and got out. Anyway being with the 101st AB for the first 6 months was a very good experience, them boys wear that Eagle proudly on their shoulder. If I was active duty then Ft. Campbell would be my duty station of choice for sure. I went to Air Assault School at Campbell but went to Basic training for my 13B MOS at Ft. Benning then re-classed to MP at Ft. Leanardwood.

    You're post just proved how tight the bond is for the military. I sincerely thank you for your service to our country.

    Did my basic at Ft. Jackson, SC, A.I.T (68M). at Ft. Eustis, Va., got orders for Schofield Barracks, Hawaii changed to Ft. Carson, Colorado, then finally I went to Ft. Campbell (got married after A.I.T.). A few months later, I found an apartment in Clarksville and my parents brought my wife. Lived there the remaining time.
    I did Air Assault School there in '85. Actually had to revert back to Hueys because the same night we were doing the Combat Assault inserts (remember those?) with Blackhawks, two others in Kansas(?) crashed due to spindle failure. Had to complete the course with Hueys (they put skids back on the rappelling walls). I was also there when we lost 248 soldiers returning from the MFO duty in Egypt when the plane "crashed" in Gander, Newfoundland. I vivdly remember their memorial on the parade ground. 25,000 troops standing in light snow. Lots of tears that day, but a lot of pride as well.

    After that damn long forced march on Air Assault graduation day, I could barely salute the Colonel who pinned on my wings!! My right arm felt like it would fall off from the ruck sack. That was twenty-one years ago and my arm still hurts!!!

    Do they still have to do the chin-ups and push ups when you get on the grounds? Double time everywhere and say Air Assault every time your left foot hits the ground? God I was like a gazelle back then from all the running!!!!

    FTR- Still married to the same woman. Twenty-two years now.

    Take care and AIR ASSAULT!!!!

    Last edited by jad628; 07-06-2006 at 07:25 AM.

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