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  1. #1
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    Anyone ever get in an accident with a police car?

    I don't know why I thought of this just now, but it's pretty funny now that I look back at it. I didn't get in an accident with a cop car, but came pretty damn close.

    Was my junior year of highschool, and school let out. My school had one main entrance and two exits, all three going to the main road in front of the school. Also, directly in front of the school on the main road is a T-intersection with one of the two main roads away from the school. And right next door to the school is the township's police station.

    Well I left the parking lot heading to that T-intersection. Being that school just let out, cars where everywhere. For some unknown reason to me, my dumbass friend that couldn't drive [he still can't drive to this day] was leaving one of the exits onto the road, but stopped instead. So the kid behind him rearended him [nothing bad, just spiderwebbed his rear bumper]. Then, instead of going to the police station away from all the traffic, he pulls his car onto the side of the road, in the grass, in front of the T-intersection and the school.

    There was a whole row of SUV's and minivans sitting at the stop sign at the T-Intersection. I was waiting to make my left turn at that road, when I guess a cop at the end of the row saw him pull onto the grass.

    NOT turning on his police lights and siren, the cop decides to go down the opposite lane of the suv's at a busy intersection. There was a break in traffic, so I made my turn. At that exact moment, the cop car was just one car length back from the stop sign. Luckly I had enough room to jerk my wheel to the right to avoid a head on collision.

    As I passed the cop, I saw that it was the school's SRO [student resource officer].

    Would have been funny if I actually did hit him. He would have been at fault, and I would have been a hero at school for hitting the SRO and getting away with it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ss~zoso~ss's Avatar
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    cops arent too smart sometimes, i've seen many cops make stupid moves

  3. #3
    Impounded x-40oz-x's Avatar
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    Quite a few years ago on New Year's my cousin got i a nasty argument with his girlfriend so he stormed out. Then he decided to go back and make up with her. On the drive back he blew a stop sign and smoked a cop car.
    He did a couple years for that one.

  4. #4
    Member flat-top's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss~zoso~ss View Post
    cops arent too smart sometimes, i've seen many cops make stupid moves
    I've seen the general public make even more. Bottom line, we're all human.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Bigrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flat-top View Post
    I've seen the general public make even more. Bottom line, we're all human.
    Agreed. However im waiting for the anti-cop/service crew to come rushing in.

  6. #6
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    i havent but there was this one time i was driving down the highway by my house, a cop went to pull over a young girl and i guess she got scared or something and locked her wheels up and cop smacked right into her, it was one of the funniest things ive ever seen

  7. #7
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    i almost was - i was distracted and swerved into the break down lain. there was a cop parked there and he was out walking down the street. i almost hit his car and then ran him over. JUST before i did, i looked back at the road and saw what was happening and swerved back onto the road. he got in his car and chased me down and I was arrested for attempted murder. it is just incredible to think if i had looked up 1/2 second later than I did, I would have run the officer down. i was so shaken and apologetic about it, but it didn't help me any.

  8. #8
    Member flat-top's Avatar
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    attempted murder??? it didn't stick of course. What did you end up with?

  9. #9
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    HA! On the weekends i like my bike around 7ish when it starts to cool down. On my way back home around 11pm i was passing some apartments at a pretty fast speed. And one thing to be careful for is cars speeding out parkinglots of the apartments, long behold just as I pass one...BAM! a cop car came out a little to fast and hit his brakes at the same as did i and bump my fron tire into his front right rim. I slowed down fast enough luckily to not flip over the bars and land on his hop onto his hood.

    After i flaid my arms around saying watch were youre going, and he embarassingly reverse the car with his head between his shoulders.

  10. #10
    Peckerhead Knighthawk LS1's Avatar
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    thats why they are called accidents, it happens to the best of us.

    Either way, i got rear ended by a drunk tonight it was great.....:cusss: told the cop he was drunk asked why i thought, i said go smell him LOL

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