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  1. #1
    SS#430 1 of 74 7camaro7's Avatar
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    02SS6spd VERT!

    Your BEST Get Away Story!

    I want to see everyone's best get away from the cops story. Also leave a number of how many times you've had success.

    One night I was in my girl's mustang gt 5spd with my friend and his girl in the car with me. We were on our way to pick my girl up from work. I was driving on a road I'm pretty used to but that night was different. The speed limit on this long street varies from 35-40mph and the street is like your typical main street in any city. Well I'm the type of guy to usually do 5above the limit atleast. This time I was just cruising and listening to music with my friends and as I'm approaching a bridge I look to the right and in this parking lot that is usually deserted there sat 3 cops with their parking lights on. I pass them and one QUICKLY pulls up to the street and I notice I'm doing 55! I was like oh shit that's me! Luckily the car is a 5spd and flooring it doesn't make it obvious that you're trying to move from the sound of exhaust. Well that's what I did, I floored it in 5th and got over the bridge just in time enough to get out of sight because traffic had the cop blocked in. As soon as I got over the other side of the bridge I turned off the headlights and turned into this unlit Church parking lot and turned off the car and just sat. We were all quiet and just waited a good 30secs. Then I just remember I've got in these bright bulbs on her car and if he's moving fast he'll more than likely be blinded if he glances that way. Well I pull up to the street SLOWLY and just wait, next thing I know is I see these blue and white lights moving like 70-80mphs in the direction I was moving!!!!!!! I,... I mean WE were were like phewwww! and I (being the smart ass that I am) got in like 3 cars behind him and saw him get STRAIGHT ON THE EXPRESS WAY! He was hauling ass. Well I took a different route just in case he had other uniforms looking for me, and I got to my girls job and told my friends about it while I was all shakey feeling

    That was my only get away. attempted only that 1.

    None in the SS so far, I'm trying to stay out of trouble.

  2. #2
    Member mogs01gt's Avatar
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    Got caught, got "tapped" with the tip if the gun, got arrested. yeah dont fuck with the cops.

  3. #3
    Senior Member JonB's Avatar
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    Tried it once as well. Was coming down a hill into town where it switches from 3 lanes down to 2 and im in the far right lane which ends. Of course the punk in his ricer has to race me so I have to really get on it to get over. Of course there happens to be a cop at the bottom of the hill with someone pulled over on the other side of the road. I look at him and next thing I know he's running back to his car and pulls a u turn and hits the lights. I kept on it and took a few back roads and pulled into a development and waited. A few minutes later he pulls in and blocks off the road with his car. In a matter of minutes there was 5 cop car surronding mine. The cop asked how fast i was going I said I did't know. Well I clocked you at 75 in a 45(total bs cause I saw im at the window of the car he had pulled over) I did't agrue with him cause I know it was easily 100+. Luckly the first cop that actually saw me was pretty cool and just let me off with a ten over ticket.

  4. #4
    SS#430 1 of 74 7camaro7's Avatar
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    02SS6spd VERT!

    wow! Yea, if they're on your ass don't try to run unless you've got it like that because otherwise its WAY more trouble than its worth. Its better to shake them instead of running if possible.

  5. #5
    Sarge for AAG Emperor hutch1999's Avatar
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    I got away one time, I wont do it again, unless it means im going to loose my license if im caught. I was in my 93' lt1 a4 and my radar detector went off when I was running 90 in a 55. I floored it got up to 130 on the highway and he was nowhere in sight. Running from the cops is dumb, but its better than sitting in a jail cell for speeding.

  6. #6
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    shit when i had my 02 z---all black i would dip out if i was seen doing something helps at night.......its very stupid but hey....thats why i dont own this car anymore...........with 400 rwhp it was not easy for a crown vic to keep up

  7. #7
    SS#430 1 of 74 7camaro7's Avatar
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    02SS6spd VERT!

    hahaha, I'm working on that 400rwhp part right now. Afterwards it's 500

  8. #8
    Junior Member sstud's Avatar
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    haha good stories...something night traveling down the highway i decided to try and reach top speed. im in my 02 SS vert (a4)...i hit nearly 150 and i didnt expect it but it shifted gears...anywyas i came around a slight turn nearly seconds later and i pass a trooper that had pulled someone else over...i immediately see lights pull out behind me but i decided i was going to fast to i got off at the first exit and watched him fly by from right over the bridge, that was scaryy as hell and it got my heart racing...never will that happen was fun nonetheless!

  9. #9
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    hell yeah..its scary but once you decide to go for it youd better do it quick and waste no time....most of the time the police are at a dead stop and you fly by at 120 plus...look at that head start...take advantage of your lead and just dissapear....BUT DONT CRASH

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by sstud View Post
    haha good stories...something night traveling down the highway i decided to try and reach top speed. im in my 02 SS vert (a4)...i hit nearly 150 and i didnt expect it but it shifted gears...anywyas i came around a slight turn nearly seconds later and i pass a trooper that had pulled someone else over...i immediately see lights pull out behind me but i decided i was going to fast to i got off at the first exit and watched him fly by from right over the bridge, that was scaryy as hell and it got my heart racing...never will that happen was fun nonetheless!
    Good read

  11. #11
    Member Corey1987's Avatar
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    my pre-F body car was a 95 240sx with a SR20DET with plenty of boltons, some ass in a trailblazer ss was ridin my ass thru traffic on a 4 lane road, i moved over and he came up beside me and gave a rev with his lady in the passenger side, then he layed into it and i dropped to 3rd, he jumped me by a car or 2 but when i started boostin, i easily put 5-6 cars on him by 120ish, looked up, saw a sheriff on a side road behind 2 cars, he was already backing up with lights on and he came around the 2 cars, also a city cop coming in the other direction. i just left off the gas and the trailblazer came by and the guy looked over and smiled as he passed, needless to say, he hadnt seen the cops yet. well the sheriff came out and was in the left lane flying, the trailblazer saw the cop at this point and drove to the side of the road at like 50 mph, as the sheriff got behind me, i moved to the left lane but he didnt follow, he dropped off behind the trailblazer, which had 30 day tags which was funny to me, as soon as i got around a couple of cars, i took some back roads and went home and parked my car for like 3 days. On a side note, i guess the city cop got caught in traffic bc i never saw him after he pulled his U turn.

  12. #12
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    17 yrs old in my 86 powder blue chevy caviler.........high as fuck smoking a bowl 1am listening to metalic as loud as possible doing 55 in a 30 when i pass a cop goni the other like fuuuuuuck...i see him turn around in a drivway to come after me.....i hit the gas.....took a bunch of side streets in an attempt to lose him....and to my luck i did!!! .man i was lucky..that car was slow as shit

  13. #13
    Sarge for AAG Emperor hutch1999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonyjnjz View Post
    17 yrs old in my 86 powder blue chevy caviler.........high as fuck smoking a bowl 1am listening to metalic as loud as possible doing 55 in a 30 when i pass a cop goni the other like fuuuuuuck...i see him turn around in a drivway to come after me.....i hit the gas.....took a bunch of side streets in an attempt to lose him....and to my luck i did!!! .man i was lucky..that car was slow as shit
    Damn you out smarted the cop stoned, lol nice

  14. #14
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    2001 z28 lingenfelter 383

    yeah i got lucky.....and had a huge head start or i wouldnt of even tried it.......imagine doin 55 in a side street setting and the cop flys by u prolly doin 40 himself...its 1am..he has to stop..turn in a driveway..back up and go.......i was turning down a side street just as he was flipping his lights on prolly close to a 1/4 mile away from me......

  15. #15
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    one time me and 2 other f-bods were racing 3 wide down a main street and saw a notorious prick cop ..i was in 3rd gear at redline and passed him, and said fuck it hit 4th and dipped on the freeway and drove about a mile then got off....must have a black car....

  16. #16
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    2001 z28 lingenfelter 383

    ahh yes...was very early spring. 1st or 2nd time i had the car out after winter so i was all excited to get all over it.....pulled onto the freeway onramp...we all know what happens next......1st gear( redline) 2nd, 3rd ...well im at the top of 3rd gear about to merge onto the freeway ( doin about 105) and in the left lane a car is comin up on me going FASTER than me...its a state trooper with his lights like FUCK......i let off the gas..he pulls in front of me and pulls a car over thats up the rd in front of thinking hes gonna try to pull me over as well......he dosnt try it ..i pass the 2 of them and took teh car home as fast as possible....put it away for the

  17. #17
    Bmike Dillard99's Avatar
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    Good stories everyone. Mines the samething but I gotaway. I was crusin well speeding and showing off, I was in 4th gear before coming to my turn so I slowed down and down shift to 2nd gear and floored it and did a nice riced out drift right in front of a cop giving someone a ticket. I was a lil nervice so I slowed down and got onto the highway till I notice the cop swirling very quickly out the parking lot so I drove along till I notice in my rear view he was about 5or 6 cars away I thought (BAD THOUGHTS) ummmm "Camaro" 3rd gear cops 6 cars away don't need another ticket what the heck I redlined it floored to about 120 I noticed in my rear him bobing and weaving through traffic getting smaller and smaller so I jumped and got off and connected to another highway that was fun but later that month I got a ticket.

  18. #18
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    I don't do it any more, I consider tickets road tax now. I have run them eight times, and this is just the times I saw the cherries on my ass. My favorite was leaving town to go to work with three coworkers. Leaving my home town and it is very hilly there. I was already speeding and the hill was like 4 miles long, he did a u turn, I hammered it. This was actually a rank big block Cordoba that shifted out of second at 100mph. I could pull that hill at about 130mph. Curvey too I didn't see him after the first mile and he was in an Lt1 caprice. Over the other side I just held it somewhere north of 150 for a bit then slowed. Showed up to work with a massive adrenalin rush. Everyone else got alternative transport home, oh ya I was 21 they were like 30, 45, 46.They thought I was crazy, but they kept their mouths shut. I even wonder now if my ls1 could play with that car on the highway.

  19. #19
    SS#430 1 of 74 7camaro7's Avatar
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    02SS6spd VERT!

    wow, nice stories! hahaha. Tell me what cordoba is. I'm afraid it is before my time.

  20. #20
    Senior Member ss~zoso~ss's Avatar
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    good read everybody, had one close call with my car

    i was racin a early 70's nova for the third time and we're doin 80 and we see a cop parked on the side of the road ahead, well we both hit the brakes like woah, and he didnt come out, he musta heard us.

    i think he was just lookin for ricers because this was in the local fri sat night cruze area.

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