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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Time to kick the habit....E-cig purchased

    Right now I smoke Al Capone Cigarillos....filtered. I used to smoke cigarettes since I was 16 but now they taste like cr@p to me, so I switched to cigars/cigarillos a few years ago.

    The rule with the Mrs. has always been, "I don't care what you do, just NEVER in front of the kids." I've never argued or had a problem with this at all.

    So, I wait until the kids go to bed before lighting up. When I'm with them all day I don't really think about pangs, nothing...but lately I've been getting irritable with them in the evening and basically looking forward to them going to sleep so I could step outside.

    Right now I smoke about 2 - 3 at work that the Mrs. doesn't know about (or maybe she really does but doesn't say anything) and 1-2 in the evening. I never smoke within a few hours of going home to allow myself time to 'air out'. I "HAVE" to smoke one on the way to work or else I feel like I can't start the day. I've come in late because I've stopped along the way to pick up a pack (they aren't sold everywhere, just a few places) because I have to go out of my way to get them.

    So, I decided it's finally time to kick the habit, or at least find a better alternative.

    My reasons for deciding to quit, in no particular order.

    1.) Going through the evenings, looking forward to NOT having your kids around is no way to be a good dad to them.

    2.) Smoking is really considered socially unacceptable in the professional, business world. I'm a deployed employee, but when i return to the plant permanently there's no smoking on premisis. So, come September I can't smoke during the day anyway (unless I were to leave work to do so). I can't think of any senior managers, vice presidents, etc. that smoke and I'm already on an upwardly-mobile career path.

    3.) I'm almost embarrased to kiss the wife b/c of smoker's breath. I think we'd make out a lot more if I didn't smoke in the evenings. More making out = more sexy-time for sure.

    4.) Speaking of sexy-time, after a robust and lengthy session, i'm finding myself completely out of breath. Actually, I get winded walking up 3 flights of stairs...i think once I quit I'll probably get back into running again.

    5.) The obvious health benefits to quitting and ramifications down the road for not (I'm now 31 years old).

    6.) Cost. When I have them shipped to me, each 10-pack costs $5.65 ...if I buy them locally, ~$8.00 in the lower 48....up here, $17.95 a pack. I go through a brick of 10 ea. 10 packs about once a month, at a cost of $60 or so.

    7.) Timing- it's a good time to quit: I'll explain later.

    So, I paid the $250 and got the White Cloud Cirrus II E-cigarette starter-pack. I spent some time reviewing and it appeared to be one of (if not THE) best kits on the market. Small, not rediculous looking, packaged well. Based on how much I smoke I got the "Light" cartridges that thread on the end of the battery, which is shaped like a cigarette. (The tip even glows when you inhale). The overall size is only slightly larger than a regular cigarette, so I won't look like a doofus smoking it. Some of the cheap chinese kits are like 5 inches long and require a liquid you have to pour in. The cartridges for the Cirrus II are about the size of a standard filter and are disposable once they're done.

    I put in a special request for a mixed cartridge pack rather than just one flavor. They actually provided me with 2 vanilla, 2 chocolate, and 1 espresso cartridge (which they normally just provide 1 type) at my request. I figure I can try them and figure out which one I like the best. They also gave me a car charger for free, which i also didn't expect. 2 day shipping and a 15% off coupon- EXCELLENT customer service in my mind.

    Anyway, I'm rambling but my plan is to eliminate all day-time smokes and replace them with the E-cigarette, at least for the time being. The wife and kids are gone for 2 weeks, then we'll be apart for ~ 2 months so I want to 'surprise' her by quitting. I figure Week 1 I'll allow myself 1 cigarillo per day in the evening, then in Week 2 I'll have to cut out one random night and replace it with the E-cig. Week 3 I'll go down to only allowing myself 5 cigarillos that get the idea. The plan is by the end of the 8 weeks to be cigarillo-free completely, and in the mean time start reducing the amount of dependancy on the E-cig.

    The goal is to completely kick this by my 32nd birthday: August 29th.

    I'm not looking for any encouragement or anything from LS1 community, just wanted to put this up online so I could look back on it as a reminder to be dilligent and committed to quitting!

  2. #2
    Member damianj03's Avatar
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    i stopped in january of this year after smoking since i was 16. Smoked about a carton every two weeks always.

    What got me to quit is i felt like it was effecting my health and being in the army i have to be able to run with the young ones if i am going to have any credibility as a leader. And i did it for my family.

    Have a friend that is a retired army and is now a DA civilian that quit using that thing you got and he has started back smoking again.

    I used the patch as a AID. But the real thing you need is the WANT! to be smoke free.
    Good Luck! hope you make it.

  3. #3
    Exalted Cyclops 67CamaroRSSS's Avatar
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    Sadly now demodded :(

    I stopped 6 years ago come this August after smoking for 35 years. I just put them down and never had another. Did I jones? Sure, still do sometimes. I even have a carton and a half of Cowboy lights in a dresser drawer. Their getting pretty stale by now I'd imagine. I keep them for trade goods once the Revolution happens...

  4. #4
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    I recently quit, smoked for 6 years, have not had one in 2 weeks. I def have cravings, not at home, more so in the car escpecially if the top is off. At work i used to take a smoke break at 11am, 1pm(lunch) and 4pm. Its the hardest at work because i used to work from break to break waiting for those tiems to roll around so i could smoke. Now I just go outside and talk to the smokers.

  5. #5
    Member damianj03's Avatar
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    yeah deffinately have to avoid those triggers like breaks and lunch and driving from place to place i always had to lite up after eating a meal or on break and everytime i would hp in the car to go somewhere. smoked for 14 years. And watchout for the weight gain!!! LOL

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by damianj03 View Post
    And watchout for the weight gain!!! LOL
    I used to run pretty regularly, and actually placed 3rd* in a 5k run for my age group a few years ago. I beat out about 100 people. I'm pretty thin but am starting to get a belly, so this is a good time to get back into a running regiment too.

    I think in about a month if I've pretty much put down the smokes and start running again, I'm gonna' feel like a million bucks. Right now, I feel tired all the time....

    *The night before the run I drank 3 beers and smoked 2 cigarettes, lol.

  7. #7
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    Well, I just loaded up a vanilla's not quite the same, but I think i'm really gonna' end up liking this. More than adequate 'smoke'/vapor even with the Light lingering smell that I'm aware of. Actually, it's kinda' pleasant. My mouth doesn't taste like an ash tray.

  8. #8
    COME AT ME BRO Soltakr's Avatar
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    good luck

  9. #9
    Army Dude robcas47's Avatar
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    Good Luck Bro. I quit about 2 yrs ago after 19 years of smoking. I read this book called "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" and oddly enough I didn't want to smoke by the time I finished reading that book. Tried most other methods but that was the one that seemed to work.

  10. #10
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    Good luck, I smoked for over 25 years. Quit over 2 year and about 40 pounds ago.

  11. #11
    Another day Another 5th ARM5280's Avatar
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    I tried the e-cig for a bit even the red bull flavor but it made me want a cig worse.

    I got the FLU about 5 months ago and was so sick I couldn't smoke so I never started back. Cold Turkey if you will. I smoked 3-4 PACKS a day!!!

    If I can quit ANYONE can. If you are an Iphone user download the quitter app, it keeps track of when you quit and what you have saved by not buying them.

    Good Luck with quitting though.

  12. #12
    Desert Boat Guy SouthernBornThriller's Avatar
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    Recently quit smoking back in january. myself. Just gave myself a number per day limit that I reduced every week or two until it was zero. Did it suck? Yes. Do I still crave a smoke on an almost daily basis? Yes. Am I happy I havnt had a smoke in over 6 months? Yes.

    As for the e-cig...good luck. Seen a lot of guys try that. All they ended up doing was smoking indoors.

  13. #13
    Veteran 35th-ANV-SS's Avatar
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    My dad tried the e-cig...he still smokes regular cigarettes. Good luck OP.

    I smoked for 7 years, a pack a day, and quit cold turkey several years ago.

    I honestly feel the only way to truly quit is to just put them down and never look back. It's all about will power and mind power

    I used sunflower seeds to help my craving the first month or so after I quit. Also chewed a lot of gum.

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