Conversation Between 402 Guru and Spaz

5 Visitor Messages

  1. HEy been busy as hell i've been making a sick brand new layout for my new website let me know what you think . Its an lsx Website for all lsx cars
  2. I am going to wash the car today , i'll take some pics of the whip when its cleaned up. I know ppl are dying to see what is under my hood &on top
  3. that would be awesome!!! got any more pictures of it???
  4. It has similar features but, when i saw the mecham hood it just didn't do the t/a justice. I contacted a fiberglass manufacturer in arizona(cant remember its been 2 years) and gave him the specs. I asked him to give it a more aggressive look with huge openings, so the heat extractor was efficent and ws6 dual vents.If you would like the specs' let me know i just need to measure it
  5. is that the mecham titan hood???
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5