Conversation Between Wesman and 02sunsetorangeZ

8 Visitor Messages

  1. SWEET! thanks man much appreciated.
  2. No prob, here is the link for the 4" round Magnaflows:
  3. Hey Wesman sorry to bug you again about the exhaust question but where did you get yours from becuase summit are the only ones that i have seen with bullets and they dont have the 4 inch
  4. alright, thanks for the input wesman.
  5. It would be slightly louder than the 6" ones, so I'm sure it would sound good
  6. Never figured the spare would come into play, thanks for the advice. Would you think the 4in would make any difference in power or sound? Bad or Good?
  7. Hey, I have the Magnaflow 12" x 6" round. However, it was a very tough fit, and the spare tire well had to be modified to make everything work. I'd reccommend the 4" round ones, they should fit much better.
  8. Hey Wesman i have a question. What size bullets are your running? Im thinking about doin the 12in with 6in circ. Thanks.
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