I busted my butt so I could take the time off to go, ...it was well worth the trip! This was my first time going, so I thought I'd try to see and do everything, which was hard to do w/ so much going on - unfortunately cut into exhibit hall time! I thought I'd share some of my (many) photos - here's some of them:

Uncle Ted Playing the National Anthem, ..wouldn't be complete w/out!

...He signed autographs afterwards, there was a long line but worth it to meet him shake his hand!

One thing about the NRA meetings, there are no shortage of high profile folks there...

Herman Cain, gave a roaring speech at the Leadership Forum, we got there early and were up front!

Ollie North, no doubt a huge NRA and armed forces supporter, crowd loved him!

Looking down into the Main Level of the Exhibit Hall (this was only looking one direction from the Skybridge), .. There were so many vendors there that the exhibit hall also occupied the Ground Level (not shown) of the Convention Center!

I'm sure everyone knows who this is... the "Gunny" was a hit w/ folks walking around the show.

Former Sec Def, Don Rumsfeld, ...I got to within feet..

Ok, anyone know who this is, she can probably out shoot you!....

Sheriff Paul Babeu, ...who I'd have to say, probably got the biggest, most roaring receptions from the crowd whenever he was recognized or spoke!!

Jeff Foxworthy, at the Celebration of American Values, ...he was great!

Keynote Speaker Mike Huckabee, also well recieved by the crowd at the Celebration of American Values..

Ok, when's the next one? I'm ready to go!