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  1. #41
    ;) Packy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike's02Z28M6 View Post
    I'm in a sales job. Personally, my woman is my inspiration. Without her I'd make half the money I currently make (or less). So, when she buys me something, it's really her buying it for me...or at least in my mind . Whose name came on the paycheck is a battle of symantics.
    Some people don't understand certain things because they have never been married or in a relationship long enough to care about those things. They also fail to realize it is more about the surprise factor than whose money was used.

  2. #42
    Senior Member Bigrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Packy View Post
    Some people don't understand certain things because they have never been married or in a relationship long enough to care about those things. They also fail to realize it is more about the surprise factor than whose money was used.
    "Suprise honey you know that full time job you know the overtime you put in for (kids stuff, vacation trip, bills, retirment) it was all wasted i bought you a present from the money you just made. I hope you have another 40hours fre to replace what i withdrew "

    I mean im sure you could have bought it yourself with the cash you made, but it is so much easier to let the girlfriend/wife get you a present because its the thought that counts

    Would it not just be nicer to say "Honey i was going to buy you a pesent but thought it would be useless to drain the account i would let you decide if you want to spend the money since you are the one supporting a family and im not wanting you to have to put back what i spent on a gift you may or may not like?"

    It may be because im only 23, or maybe because me and my girl have been together for about 3 years, but it would really piss me off if i was paying for everything at the house, giving her spending money each week, and she decides to just use my money to buy me present. The thought that counts is thinking of the other person and trying to make the load a little lighter not trying to win brownie points by giving him a expensive gift using his credit card.

    Somethings do not need a huge amount of life experience just common sense.

  3. #43
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    Again, it depends on the relationship. My wife works, but if she was a stay at home mom, and bought me a gift, I would still value it as from her because she puts forth more than her share in our relationship. I just bought a fishing boat, she still deals with our old green couch....

    Some of you will think I'm corny, but when if your wife truely loves you, she won't spend your money buying you a gift unless you want her to. It may sound wierd, but true love, good communication, and kindness make a big difference in a marriage.

  4. #44
    ;) Packy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 56car View Post
    Again, it depends on the relationship. My wife works, but if she was a stay at home mom, and bought me a gift, I would still value it as from her because she puts forth more than her share in our relationship. I just bought a fishing boat, she still deals with our old green couch....

    Some of you will think I'm corny, but when if your wife truely loves you, she won't spend your money buying you a gift unless you want her to. It may sound wierd, but true love, good communication, and kindness make a big difference in a marriage.

    I get paid off salary so it doesn't matter how much overtime I put in! Also we never take away from our children if it comes down to a new part my LS1 or them we would rather them have what they need.

    That is where most of you getting confused. I would rather my S.O. buy something for me with my money because chances are once I sit down and figure out that we have enough money for that part or whatever I will buy it anyway! Most of the time what it boils down to is that she is supporting my car stuff and wanting to see me make more power or go faster! That is much better than having a S.O. buy something for you with money she gets as a living allowance from her parents!

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