Quote Originally Posted by SeVeReDiStOrTiOn View Post
My girlfriend and I just found out 2 days ago that she's pregnant. We're still deciding what we're going to do about it...she's only 3-4 weeks along and we might abort it. And yes we were very responsible about it and always have been...she was on Ortho Evra (BC patch) for 3ish years now. 99% effective may fucking ass

Shit i'm still in shock...I can't believe this is happening. This is the worst possible time for her to be knocked up...we're both trying to start our careers and we're both broke as hell. I would love to be a dad someday but this is just not the time. Even with such a early abortion there's a chance she could become sterile. I'm so lost...

Then there's the whole religious thing and i'm not even going to get into that. Has anyone else been in my shoes....how did it turn out? I know this is a touchy subject but if you're going to respond please keep it civil.
wish you both the best. coming from my experience with my EX being pregnant and then aborting my child w/o even talking to me about it first killed me inside. i hope the both of you find and reach the what you feel is the best decision, together...