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  1. #21
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  2. #22
    Senior Member wileyCoyote's Avatar
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    NY state sheriffs assoc. leter to dicktator cuomo...

  3. #23
    expensive tires az gt eater's Avatar
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    I concur. Be safer in jail if they take all the law abiding citizen's guns. Then, only the criminals will have guns.

  4. #24
    expensive tires az gt eater's Avatar
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    This is a very revealing letter. Informative read.

    Requirement of NICS checks for private sales (except between immediate family). We
    believe that this will ensure that responsible citizens will still be able to obtain legal
    firearms through private transactions, with the added assurance that private buyers are
    approved by the federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System. We
    remain concerned that this provision will be very difficult to enforce and will likely only
    affect law abiding citizens.

    There are the criminals. You or I, trying to sell a gun for money. Illegally, now. Or, the criminals just doing what they have always done, selling stolen guns on the black market.

    Reduction of ammunition magazine capacity. The new law enacts reductions in the
    maximum capacity of gun magazines. We believe based on our years of law
    enforcement experience that this will not reduce gun violence. The new law will
    unfairly limit the ability of law‐abiding citizens to purchase firearms in New York. It
    bears repeating that it is our belief that the reduction of magazine capacity will not
    make New Yorkers or our communities safer.

    Here are 52 out of the 58 Sherriffs of New York State saying that this is ridiculous, and will leave people defenseless. Remember, you only have seconds to defend yourself, and the police are only minutes away.

    Sale of ammunition. The new law imposes several new provisions regarding how, and
    from whom, ammunition can be lawfully purchased. The law should be clarified about
    the use of the Internet as a vehicle for these sales, out‐of‐state sales to New York
    residents, and other issues. Businesses have said that they do not understand the new
    provisions and are concerned that they will have to cease operations.

    Here are jobs being affected. Part of that 34 billion dollar industry.

    Law enforcement exemptions must be clarified. The new law has many provisions that
    might apply to law enforcement officers and there has been much confusion about
    whether existing law enforcement exemptions continue to apply. We understand that
    the Governor and Legislature have already agreed to review and modify these
    provisions where necessary, and the Sheriffs want to be part of the discussion to make
    the changes effective. Additionally, the exemptions should apply to retired police and
    peace officers, and to others in the employ of the Sheriff and other police agencies who
    perform security duties at public facilities and events.

    What's good for the goose is obviously not good for the gander. Again, 52 out of 58 Sherriffs saying this would essentially limit their ability to serve and protect.

  5. #25
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    You can thank the Idiots who voted in OBAMA.........Hes a lame duck at this point and is acting like he always has as the anointed one...He doesnt listen to the will of the people or congress he just does what HE wants to...To hell with the second amendment. Theres the other idiot Cuomo and my states senator idiot Feinstein! Notice how they used the tragedy in @ Sandyhook to further their own agendas! Obama and all of his minions have turned the attention on guns and off of the failing economy and Benghazi? Ive heard alot of things concerning how California is so nazi like in its laws and regulations (and it is!) well get ready folks because Obama and Biden and their minions are talking about adopting Californias strict gun laws along with their EPA regulations too! Yup the banning not only so called ''assault weapons'' but many other types too!!..whats next ,well ill tell ya - handguns, This administration has done ZERO for jobs and economy and now they take a horrific act of some lone crazy kid and pull the focus off the economy they should be ashamed of themselves and whoever punched tickets at the polls should be ashamed as well The only thing to do now is to voice you opposition to the highest in your state office,let them know your not with their program! Its ironic that these same politicians are guarded by heavily armed men (with assault weapons) but wont afford WE THE PEOPLE the same luxury!! Dont tell me i dont need an assault weapon to guard and protect my family,dont tell me how many rounds i need to do so!

  6. #26
    Veteran Firebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileyCoyote View Post do know they OUTLAWED "possession" of all magazines over 7rnd capacity, right?... how do you find a pistol magazine w/ that low of capacity?... you can't... it's a draconian law...
    They are out there although that really cuts back on the hand guns. Glock 39 shoots a .45 GAP and has a 6 round clip, sweet little gun and easy to conceal , but with 6 rounds, better carry a couple spare mags if you can't hit what you aim at.

    That Stein woman in Cali is trying to limit anything with more than 10 rounds, which kills alot of hand guns as well. Really though, none of this solves anything, if you are proficient at changing mags and carry a few.

  7. #27
    Veteran Firebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileyCoyote View Post
    That's hillarious. They don't have enough jail space to hold 65% of Americans What a mess that would be. What are they going to do,,,build concentration camps and treat us like the Nazi's treated everyone? Pffff.
    Last edited by Firebirdjones; 01-26-2013 at 08:04 AM.

  8. #28
    expensive tires az gt eater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebirdjones View Post
    Really though, none of this solves anything, if you are proficient at changing mags and carry a few.
    All it takes is a little practice. Are they going to outlaw youtube videos that show you how to?

  9. #29
    Veteran Firebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by az gt eater View Post
    All it takes is a little practice. Are they going to outlaw youtube videos that show you how to?
    Never thought of that till you mentioned it, I'd bet they pull anything related.

  10. #30
    expensive tires az gt eater's Avatar
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    Moving up the amendments list by doing that. Going from second to first.

  11. #31
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  12. #32
    Senior Member wileyCoyote's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebirdjones View Post
    They are out there although that really cuts back on the hand guns. Glock 39 shoots a .45 GAP and has a 6 round clip, sweet little gun and easy to conceal , but with 6 rounds, better carry a couple spare mags if you can't hit what you aim at.

    That Stein woman in Cali is trying to limit anything with more than 10 rounds, which kills alot of hand guns as well. Really though, none of this solves anything, if you are proficient at changing mags and carry a few.
    yes, ..but very few... most modern semi-auto pistols, ..even the compact versions, ....most double-stack mags, ...hold well over 7 rnds... my M&P compact (carry gun) comes w/ mags that hold 12 rnds... there is GOOD reason to have mags that hold a sufficient amount of ammo, especially in handguns... WHY?... because handguns are typically very poor "manstoppers", ballistically... any politician trying to put citizens at a disadvantage to criminials and a police state care nothing about our 2nd amendment right, oppose them BOTH!!! they are tyrants, ..period...

  13. #33
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  14. #34
    Veteran Firebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileyCoyote View Post
    yes, ..but very few... most modern semi-auto pistols, ..even the compact versions, ....most double-stack mags, ...hold well over 7 rnds... my M&P compact (carry gun) comes w/ mags that hold 12 rnds... there is GOOD reason to have mags that hold a sufficient amount of ammo, especially in handguns... WHY?... because handguns are typically very poor "manstoppers", ballistically... any politician trying to put citizens at a disadvantage to criminials and a police state care nothing about our 2nd amendment right, oppose them BOTH!!! they are tyrants, ..period...
    Stopping power depends on the rounds you carry. Both my glock 26 and 19 are double stack and carry 10 and 15 9mm rounds respectively. Plenty of rounds but medium stopping power. Glock 39 however, even though it's physically the same size as my 26, carries a .45 GAP, much larger round that only allows 6 in the mag. BUT,,,, I guarantee you hit someone with one of those and they are stopped

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebirdjones View Post
    Stopping power depends on the rounds you carry. Both my glock 26 and 19 are double stack and carry 10 and 15 9mm rounds respectively. Plenty of rounds but medium stopping power. Glock 39 however, even though it's physically the same size as my 26, carries a .45 GAP, much larger round that only allows 6 in the mag. BUT,,,, I guarantee you hit someone with one of those and they are stopped
    Depends where you hit them but there is a good chance they will go down with .45acp.

  16. #36
    Veteran Firebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zinergy View Post
    Depends where you hit them but there is a good chance they will go down with .45acp.
    Yeah, the real question is whether someone can hit target under high stress situations with one shot. Very difficult. That's one reason I like my 9mm hand guns that are physically the same size, they carry more rounds, and a 33 round mag fits either glock . The stopping power of a bigger round is nice too though if you can hit what you aim at.

    The other issue with the double stack mags like the glocks (and I like my glocks, but,,,) is the gun being slightly thicker than a single stack, so they aren't as easy to conceal and not as comfortable to carry inside the waste band. For that reason I really like the little Kar 9mm sub compact. It's not a double stack so it's very thin and very comfortable inside the waste band. The draw back though since it's a single stack is that it only carries 8 9mm rounds if I remember correctly.

    Goods and bads with either. An individual really just needs to use what they are comfortable with shooting, something they are accurate with. My wife for instance doesn't like the larger rounds, to much recoil for her to shoot accurately. She hits what she wants with the 9mm though so that's what she carries.

  17. #37
    expensive tires az gt eater's Avatar
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    Here is a good example of the media getting blatant facts wrong again. Here in AZ none the less. In this article, it states that OBama puts his "rifle" to his shoulder. It is quite obviously an over under shotgun. Ridiculous.Obama firing gun in White House photoAnd, he is using a compensation device. I.e., a ported barrel. Who wants to take a bet that the same barrel porting will be outlawed? Not I.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileyCoyote View Post
    yes, ..but very few... most modern semi-auto pistols, ..even the compact versions, ....most double-stack mags, ...hold well over 7 rnds... my M&P compact (carry gun) comes w/ mags that hold 12 rnds... there is GOOD reason to have mags that hold a sufficient amount of ammo, especially in handguns... WHY?... because handguns are typically very poor "manstoppers", ballistically... any politician trying to put citizens at a disadvantage to criminials and a police state care nothing about our 2nd amendment right, oppose them BOTH!!! they are tyrants, ..period...
    I agree, unless you carry 10mm. It's a nuclear weapon in the palm of my hand.... POWA!!!!!

    Wait a minute, guns? What guns? I have no guns sold all mine and the rest were lost in a tragic boating accident.

  19. #39
    Veteran 35th-ANV-SS's Avatar
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    If you need a 30+ mag clip to be able to hit a target, regardless of what the circumstances are, you shouldn't own a weapon.

  20. #40
    Veteran Firebirdjones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 35th-ANV-SS View Post
    If you need a 30+ mag clip to be able to hit a target, regardless of what the circumstances are, you shouldn't own a weapon.
    We use 33 round mags for other reasons. Great for target shooting, frankly I'm lazy and hate to keep loading the 10 or 15 round magazines Frequent the local target ranges and you'll find alot of others share my opinion. I like to keep one in the gun for house protection as well. If I miss the first shot, I have 32 other attempts Nice if you have more than one intruder also. Not to mention that I tend to use a 9mm, which some may argue doesn't have enough stopping power. Well if I can't drop someone with 1 shot, I have 32 more We could go on and on, there are alot of scenarios as to why these mags have a purpose.

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