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Thread: Happy Meals

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    That's called getting rich the American way-like a couple years back with those fat chicks that sued mcdonalds for making them fat. They ate mcdonalds for just about every meal. It's mentioned in "supersize me"

  2. #22
    Senior Member raynor139's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeliE-maxx View Post
    That's called getting rich the American way-like a couple years back with those fat chicks that sued mcdonalds for making them fat. They ate mcdonalds for just about every meal. It's mentioned in "supersize me"
    God forbid you should be responsible for your own health.

  3. #23
    She Moderator KahanaReef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynor139 View Post
    A) The Govt should not be involved in how kids are raised by their parents. Thats the parents responsibility and no one else's.

    B) The larger issue here to me is the fact that 87% opposed this bill but they still decided to pass it. Now I was under the impression that these people were elected to do what the people asked them to do not whatever the fuck crosses into their brain. But I guess if they see the president doing it they figure they can to.
    Welcome to the new Amerika. Enjoy your change

  4. #24
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    When I'm not hungry, I don't eat. When I'm full I stop eating. And it's common sense not to eat Mickey d's every day. Simple shit and I've been the same weight (6' 178) for a long time

  5. #25
    Detailing + Design third_shift|studios's Avatar
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    i think i'm gonna go scarf a bigmac and fries just for the cause. and i'm gonna ask them for a few kids toy, then i'm gonna start a charity, saying "please donate your kids toys for the super-healthy, california kids; they know nothing of the pleasure found from finding a toy in their kids meal"

  6. #26
    None Shall Pass Knight's Avatar
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    Next thing you know, they're gonna put Cookie Monster in jail - he's making kids want to eat tons of cookies - NOMNOMNOM.

  7. #27
    Senior Member 1MileCrash's Avatar
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    i understand that people want less government involved in their lives...but you can't want less government and greater parental accountability at the same time.

    the problem is that parents who feed their kids a steady diet of deep fried fatty foods are neglegent parents. there have several studies, and health care specialists and nutritionalists back it up, that the current youth generation will be the first generation which will have a lower life expectancy than their parents due to eating habits. think about it. burger joints weren't as common in 1950 as they are in 2010. it was mom and pop diners in the 50s which were the norm. today you can't go 2 blocks without being in eyeshot of a fast food place.

    it's one thing to limit things like lawsuits brought on by an 800 pound adult saying that because burger king is do damn tasty that he can't stop eating it. yeah that's b/s and should be treated as such. but it's a different story when there are minors involved. if the parent is too lazy to make something nutritious or to go somewhere which is healthier and they instead take their kids to mcd's or wendy's or bk every day because it's easier than proper nutrition then i think that there is a social responsibility involved because the kids can't stand up for themselves and the accepted court system recognizes minors as not having the same legal status as adults and in need of greater protections.

  8. #28
    Detailing + Design third_shift|studios's Avatar
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    my response to that is parental liscensing-just like a driver's liscense.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight View Post
    Next thing you know, they're gonna put Cookie Monster in jail - he's making kids want to eat tons of cookies - NOMNOMNOM.
    Now he eats vegetables on the show aswell, I shit you not. I'm in the wrong generation

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1MileCrash View Post
    i understand that people want less government involved in their lives...but you can't want less government and greater parental accountability at the same time.

    the problem is that parents who feed their kids a steady diet of deep fried fatty foods are neglegent parents. there have several studies, and health care specialists and nutritionalists back it up, that the current youth generation will be the first generation which will have a lower life expectancy than their parents due to eating habits. think about it. burger joints weren't as common in 1950 as they are in 2010. it was mom and pop diners in the 50s which were the norm. today you can't go 2 blocks without being in eyeshot of a fast food place.

    it's one thing to limit things like lawsuits brought on by an 800 pound adult saying that because burger king is do damn tasty that he can't stop eating it. yeah that's b/s and should be treated as such. but it's a different story when there are minors involved. if the parent is too lazy to make something nutritious or to go somewhere which is healthier and they instead take their kids to mcd's or wendy's or bk every day because it's easier than proper nutrition then i think that there is a social responsibility involved because the kids can't stand up for themselves and the accepted court system recognizes minors as not having the same legal status as adults and in need of greater protections.
    I highlighted the problem I have with that whole way of thinking. What you're talking about is putting the cart before the horse. Do we arrest people because we think they might commit a crime? The socially responsible thing to do is arrest every child that has parents that have commited a crime because there's a chance the child will do the same. The socially responsible way of doing things is to punish everyone for the actions of the few. My kids eat mcdonalds and both are under weight for their age...not over....under. So should my kids also be punished because of someone elses actions? The only people who should be looking out for the well being of my children are me and my wife....period. They're our responsibility and no one elses.
    My favorite is the way people justify meddling in my business by acting like it costs them money. Over weight kids are a burden on everyone. Bullshit. There's more money pissed away in a single hour in our country than over weight kids cost their entire lifetime. Maybe fatty foods are only partly to blame. Maybe we should outlaw video games, tv's, and computers. Not just for kids but for everyone because I'm sure everyone spends some time doing one of those things and it's not exactly healthy....after all, it's the socially responsible thing to do.

  11. #31
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    This is where the food police want us to go to...

  12. #32
    Resident Mississippian BdAsBrd01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight View Post
    Next thing you know, they're gonna put Cookie Monster in jail - he's making kids want to eat tons of cookies - NOMNOMNOM.
    They're way ahead of you man. Speaking as the father of a five year old (and YES she gets happy meals!!!!Just not every fucking day, she's a picky eater anyway) Cookie Monster gets this fucking guilt trip put on him now: "Cookies are a SOMETIMES food" or some other shit. It'd too ridiculous to watch. Our kid watches vintage Sesame Street, the kind that hasn't been filled full of PC crap.

  13. #33
    Resident Mississippian BdAsBrd01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeliE-maxx View Post
    Now he eats vegetables on the show aswell, I shit you not. I'm in the wrong generation
    Yep. The goddam liberals put that in several years back. My kid doesn't even LIKE the new Sesame Street. It's fucking ridiculous.

  14. #34
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    Back in the day you could make fun of fat kids, for smelling, their bitch tits, or the various flap cheeses and other items coming out of their crevices. They would either skinny down or in my generation go on a shooting spree at the school. Nowadays you can't do that so whales stay whale sized. I got chubby in 6th grade and quickly lost weight again. Because I didn't want to be a fatty

  15. #35
    Senior Member raynor139's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeliE-maxx View Post
    Back in the day you could make fun of fat kids, for smelling, their bitch tits, or the various flap cheeses and other items coming out of their crevices. They would either skinny down or in my generation go on a shooting spree at the school. Nowadays you can't do that so whales stay whale sized. I got chubby in 6th grade and quickly lost weight again. Because I didn't want to be a fatty

    When i was in 6th grade we could take weight lifting and had to do PE everyday the entire year no choice you had to. Now my nephew doesnt even do PE and is only required to do it so many weeks not even a entire semester. Also they dont even have any type of exercise or weight equipment in his school.

  16. #36
    Resident Mississippian BdAsBrd01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeliE-maxx View Post
    Back in the day you could make fun of fat kids, for smelling, their bitch tits, or the various flap cheeses and other items coming out of their crevices. They would either skinny down or in my generation go on a shooting spree at the school. Nowadays you can't do that so whales stay whale sized. I got chubby in 6th grade and quickly lost weight again. Because I didn't want to be a fatty
    I'm sure the libs will tell you how mean that is, but it is effective.

  17. #37
    None Shall Pass Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeliE-maxx View Post
    Now he eats vegetables on the show aswell, I shit you not. I'm in the wrong generation

    Is there nothing sacred anymore? When did our society become so weak minded that no one is able to think for themselves, so we must rely on the government to tell us what is safe for us to eat or do or say? I know they even changed cartoons like Looney Toons, and Tom and Jerry, and others that I used to watch when I was a kid. I loved watching those cartoons every chance I got, and I turned out to be a healthy, mostly law abiding, relatively normal member of society. I don't go attacking people because I see it done on tv or in a video game, I don't gorge myself everyday with unhealthy foods because a puppet on t.v. does it. I guess I have too much common sense and I am the odd one in this world. I guess I'm a rebel because I can think for myself and make my own decisions. Geez it pisses me off when people think they know what's best for me and my life. Bring back parents being able to give ass whippings to children and get rid of P.C. crap. People need to grow thicker skins and not get so offended because someone somewhere said something that doesn't even concern them, and stop making it a crusade against them. End rant.... my fingers are tired of typing lol.

  18. #38
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    The next thing is a reverse curfew. Kids are not allowed indoors from 3:30-7:30.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcar View Post
    The next thing is a reverse curfew. Kids are not allowed indoors from 3:30-7:30.
    this x infinity

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynor139 View Post
    When i was in 6th grade we could take weight lifting and had to do PE everyday the entire year no choice you had to. Now my nephew doesnt even do PE and is only required to do it so many weeks not even a entire semester. Also they dont even have any type of exercise or weight equipment in his school.
    my graduating class only has 1.5 years required PE. I worked for it with 2 years of texas highschool football. Next years freshmen (my bro included) only need 1 year and have no health class requirement. He's lazy and a fat shit. Plays wow all day. Has had a quad and my hand me down dirtbikes given to him but he never rode them. Doesn't give a shit about cars or anything. Just games

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