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  1. #41
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    Well you would need a shooting rest to really know where it is and know 100% that it isn't shooter error. But I always just shoot off of sandbags or whatever. But I would say you have to do what you have to do to get it to shoot straight. I have only ever seen 1 rear sight that far off to one side and that was my dads .22 pistol. As long as you havent maxed out the sight and it is shooting straight or even if you have maxed it out and it is shooting stright I would say it is what it is and shoot it. As for powder it could very well help to double the charge. That will change the ballistics, a faster bullet is harder to throw off course by the elements and will shoot flatter as distance changes.

  2. #42
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    Where is he shooting at? Maybe he's a better shot than you lol.
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  3. #43
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    I went to look at peep sights today. Gotta say they kinda suck without the rubber. They twist and seems like they need constant adjustment if you shoot your bow often. They twist even more off course as your string stretches. So I got a new sight and new rubber.

  4. #44
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    I didn't find the same one I have on my old bow but I did put in a tubeless peep. I've never had problems with my old one twisting. This one turned on the first draw but I gave the string a little twist and it's been good ever since. I still have to get a rest. I've gotten close to buying one about 3 different times and then talk myself out of it. haha I think I'm just going to go with another quicktune. It's worked reason to fix something that isn't broke. I've had other stuff going on the last couple weeks and just haven't had a chance to do anything with the bow. After superbowl things will calm down and I can start messing with it.

  5. #45
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    I guess I am just scared that I will be up in the stand, see a deer and draw back only to find the peep is twisted. I really just don't want to have that happen. If the rubber tube is the only way to have it straight 100% of the time then that is what I will go with. The otherside is what if the rubber snap while in the stand but I change it often. Bought 4 more rubber tubes as well just incase lol.

  6. #46
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    I know 2 people that have had that tube break on them while drawing on a deer. I would guess they hadn't changed their tubes out. If I had one I would swap that thing every season because it's cheap insurance. One of the guy's that broke though wasn't because it was old because he hasn't had the bow that was just dog shit cold out. I would wonder too if he didn't snag that tube at some point on a briar or something and put a little tear in it. I'm not opposed to using the tube sights really......I just like my captured sight on my old bow because it's just less shit to go wrong. Like I say.....on my old captured peep I've shot a couple dozen deer with that thing over the last 20 years and thousands of arrows into the target and not once had it twist on me.

  7. #47
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    from december and at the top of the 2nd page......that's pretty damn sad.

    Got the bows out a month or so ago and got them set up and tuned. Pretty nice shooting bows. Definitely a huge step above what I had. I just threw a quicktune 1000 rest on it because I couldn't make up my mind on the other rests and just wanted something to get started shooting. Probably going to have to swap it out though because with the new bow I've noticed I'm way more prone to bouncing the arrow off the rest during draw. Can't have that. I may try to lower my poundage down some first and see if that helps. Right now I'm drawing 70 at 29.5". I shortened my draw up because I've always drawn a little too far back when using a release. I can draw that poundage but for some reason I'm having trouble keeping the arrow on the rest.
    I've tried shooting a couple different arrow configurations and lengths. I've noticed I get better penetration out of the carbon arrows over the aluminum and if I keep that carbon arrow at 31" it penetrates better than one at 30". That just leaves a lot of arrow out past my rest

    Zach is only drawing 16lbs so it's going to be a couple years before he's ready to hunt. He is however dead on target with his and has been shooting regularly.
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  8. #48
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    I have been out in the woods the past few days. Got a two man ladder stand setup on some private land I have been scouting since late last season. I have a hidden piece of public that I have found no trace of other hunters on last year or this year so far. It is hard to find.... stuck between two pieces of private on the north and south end. On the west side is the road and the public hunting sign is covered by many plants. On the west side as the land slants up are farm fields. A streams runs through it.

    I have been shooting out of my stands mainly. I like where my bow is at.

    Have you seen these super tiny bows? Like the cams are only 12-15 inches apart? They claim 300fps out of them with 70lbs and 28-29inches of draw. The one below isn't the one I saw claiming those speeds at deerfest but it is similar size.

  9. #49
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    holy shit that thing is a hand held crossbow. Guess it was only a matter of time really before bows got to that point. Not that it matters but I think it's pretty damn ugly

    I haven't been to the woods yet. My stands are still up from last year so it's just a matter of throwing a couple ladders on some trees and I'm ready to roll. I am thinking about moving one of my hang ons over to the new spot I started hunting last year. I was going to do that this weekend but tore my calf muscle playing soccer with my daughter a couple days ago. Walking is an issue right now and climbing a tree isn't even a possibility. Can't wait until Zach gets a little older. I hunt out of my climber quite a bit but like having those hang ons up in my "go to" areas just for ease of use. I also found another spot I wanted to look at. Pine thicket loaded with multiflora rose. I want to take a weed eater in there and cut some trails and throw me a stand in it. Guaranteed deer in there but that multiflora rose makes it pretty much unhuntable.
    Last edited by 0rion; 08-27-2015 at 11:24 AM.

  10. #50
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    The one I saw at deerfest did look cooler and they claimed 300fps out of it. They basically eliminated the frame between the grip and limbs. The bow is now all limbs but 300fps is still impressive for something that small. I can think of a few situation where a bow that size would be nice.

    I still have my hang on at the other end of that private property from last year. My climber is in my truck 24/7 during the season.

    Sorry to hear about your calf. Hope it will be at least good enough to climb during bow season.

  11. #51
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    everything I've read says that even if I tore that muscle I'm looking at about 4 weeks. I'm starting to doubt whether it's torn because there's no swelling or bruising so it's probably just a good pull. I'll get over it. You can bet your ass that even if that leg was cut off I'd still be hunting come bow season....just take more time to hobble in.

    These infinited edge bows we got are supposedly 300 or a touch over at 70lbs 30". I'm sure though once you dress it out in hunting form it's below that. It penetrates like a bitch though. I'm shooting my 3D deer target and penetrating 6" or more out the back of it with field points and 3" or so with muzzy's. I'm really happy with the bow....I just gotta solve this arrow flopping off the rest deal. It'll cost me a deer if I try to hunt with it right now. It's like those cams are so aggressive you have to put a ton of ass to get them started to break over.....that's where my arrow falls off. Right at the beginning of my draw. I opened the prongs up on the rest some and that helped a little bit but didn't completely cure it. I also wonder if most of it is just me not used to the bow. My bear was a really smooth drawing bow so they're pretty different in that aspect. After that I gotta start trying to get zach drawing more so he can hunt with his. Not happening this year and might be pushing it for next year. He just doesn't have the strength. I tried taking him from 16lbs to 20 and he couldn't draw it. Just gonna take some time. He's going to use my buddy's recurve crossbow a few times this year when I can sit with him. We need that 2 man ladder stand you got.....I've looked at them and thought how big a bitch that thing would be to carry in and out of the woods. Ground blind it is for him

  12. #52
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    I shoot a Hoyt that they claim 315fps out of. So my bow is still reaching modern speeds. Until it doesn't I will keep shooting that. I know a few 2015 bows are claiming 370fps but that is max everything and those are usually their longer limb models which most people use for competition not actual hunting.

    Hate to say it again but try a drop away rest. My drop away has a bar that goes over the fork that the arrow rests in. So the arrow has a barrier on all sides of it when the rest is raised in it's hold position.

    The two man stand is nice. Especially sitting in alone. Lots of room, very stable, as quiet as climbing a ladder can be. It was an absolute pain in the ass to put up by myself though. Luckily I know the people who own the field so I got pretty close with my truck. But getting it lined up in the tree was a huge pain.
    Last edited by Zinergy; 08-31-2015 at 09:10 AM.

  13. #53
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    yep....I'm heading to a fall away rest. The rest that came with the bow was a piece of shit but it was a capture rest. I had problems with my vanes hitting the brushes because my vanes are helical. I'm going to order a drop away this weekend I believe. I know you like that ripcord but the fact you have to recock it if you lower your draw kinda bothers me. I still can't get past what happens if you get sleet/ice build up on the cord? That's a real possibility with me some years. I know it's a popular rest but those are the things that bother me....the ice build up more than having to re-cock it. I did look at one last year that you didn't have to re-cock on a let down but I forget offhand what it was.

  14. #54
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    I can see your concerns but I never had a problem with either. It's not like compounds are made to speed shoot. I have never once forgotten to click the rest up. And when I'm in my stand or even just walking(depending on the terrain) my arrow is already on the rest. If the rest isn't up the arrow will sit on a angle and move around as you begin to draw. It's pretty easy to tell something isn't right. That being said I'm sure someone has not noticed and shot.

  15. #55
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    I'm not worried about forgetting to cock it.....I'm worried about drawing on a deer and having to let down because the deer hangs up behind a tree and then redrawing on it. That's when I could see the re-cocking the rest becoming an issue. I had a link in this thread to the rest I was looking at last year. I'm between that one and the ripcord. I'll figure it out this weekend and order one of them I think. Already wasted $40 on the prong rest so I may give it another look over to see if I can spread the prongs out a little bit more and see if that'll fix the issue but I don't think it will. I've already opened them up a little once. It all goes back to how violent the cams are when the bow is drawn. It's just not smooth enough for that style rest I don't think. factor in cold weather and having gloves on and shit like that. It gets tougher to draw that bow gently. I want one I can just yank it back.

  16. #56
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    Yea, that scenario does happen. I have long fingers and can flick my rest up from the grip.

  17. #57
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    Well Orion I joined you in the injured hunters ranks on Friday night. I broke my left wrist. I'm pretty angry right now.

  18. #58
    Spaz is My Mentor SMWS6TA's Avatar
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    Damn John how?

  19. #59
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    A whole bunch of wedding dumbassery that lead to me falling off a fence. It's my own damn fault. Was planning on hunting Saturday and Sunday. Both the guys I share properties with shot bucks this weekend. Granted one was too small and scolded him about it. I might have to buy a crossbow or miss the rut.
    Last edited by Zinergy; 10-05-2015 at 08:56 AM.

  20. #60
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    well that sucks...

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