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  1. #21
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    He could def sell the stuff he takes off but he would then have to deal with meeting/shipping/hassle just to make a few bucks. Plus most guys when they buy a new sight/rest want something a little more high end than what most bow packages come with. Most people... that I know anyway that shoot newer setups want drop away rests etc. But you put it out there cheap enough and they will come.

  2. #22
    Veteran 0rion's Avatar
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    my favorite is when I look for the stuff I have on my bow now and none of it is even made anymore It took me awhile but I found the prong style rest that I use now. I just had my buddy refletch a shit load of aluminum arrows for me. Wonder how these new bows shoot aluminum until I can ge through these arrows? I'll find out because if it'll shoot them I'd rather stick with aluminum anyhow. I like the idea of a big heavy aluminum arrow slamming into something tipped with a 125 grain muzzy. I've had great luck over the years with that combo.

  3. #23
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    That's because you are old school. Carbon arrows are lighter... yes but they shoot faster, longer, flatter and usually beat the aluminium with the same tip in penetration tests.
    Last edited by Zinergy; 12-09-2014 at 01:14 PM.

  4. #24
    Veteran 0rion's Avatar
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    I actually have a dozen 600 spine carbons from a bunch of years ago. I tried switching to carbon but my old ass bow didn't like them. I lost 3 deer that year due to no penetration. I shelfed them until i could get another bow. Might get to dust them off afterall and use them haha. I do want to stick with muzzy though if at all possible. I've seen time and again what they do to bone.

  5. #25
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    You should give them a try with that diamond. Brake it in for the boy.

  6. #26
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    I ended up ordering the same bow for myself. Got it set up tonight and ran a couple arrows through it. Bad ass. Very happy with it. I didn't want to use the tube peep that came with it so I bought a "captured" style with no tube. Couldn't find the one like I have on my old bow that splits the string 4 ways....had to go with 3. First draw and the string covered the pins so it'll be coming back off unless I can twist the string and solve the issue. My 4 way never covers the sights. I just didn't want a tubed peep because I've had 2 buddies have theirs break drawing on a deer in just the last 2 seasons. Anyhow.....pretty amazed at how fast and quiet this bow is. I shot one of my carbon arrows through it and that thing is smoking. I'll be hunting with it in a couple of weeks. This weekend is our black powder season so I'll have the smoke pole out for that. I also need to move my keller sight over. I've been thinking about the sight situation and there's no reason to buy a new sight.....I've had a ton of good luck with that keller and it's very familiar so I'll just move it over. I may end up moving my peep over also but I want to give this one a fair try and make sure that's necessary.
    If I had to complain about one thing on the new bow it would be the grip size. Little small for my hand but not uncomfortable or anything. I was going to use an overdraw and cut my aluminums down an inch but my first finger sticks up in front of that rest a little bit and I can see me running a broadhead across that finger if I wasn't careful.

  7. #27
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    I put a new tube on every season. Never have a problem. Costs 1 dollar.

    The Holiday hunt is going on right now. Does only... even with a bow. So I was only out there one day to get some stuff out of the woods. Right now though it is pretty cold. The wind chill is 0 and tomorrow will be in the negatives. Hopefully by this weekend the deer will be moving.

  8. #28
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    shot the bow off the deck some more.......few issues. I gotta dig my square out and set it up. I just wanted to run a few arrows through it. I don't like the hostage rest so I'll be changing that out for sure. My aluminums have 4" feathers and it's a bitch to load them into the rest without half drawing the bow. They also hit the brushes because they're helical. No big deal.....I prefer my current rest anyhow. Another thing I noticed is the aluminum flew better but the carbon penetrated further. Weight speed thing. Heavier arrow is more stable and the faster arrow is penetrating better. Kind of pointless though until I get a rest on it and get the bow set up properly....those carbons will start to fly a lot better once that's done I bet and if they do I'll be shooting those.

  9. #29
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    You ever shoot a drop away? I have to say I love my ripcord. You should get a dozen or so carbon and stop shooting those darn aluminiums lol. The short fletchings mean you can have them on rest without any issue.
    Last edited by Zinergy; 12-30-2014 at 09:40 AM.

  10. #30
    Veteran 0rion's Avatar
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    I don't understand how those drop away rests work with the cord and everything? Explain those to me. I see them with the cord out the back but no idea how they work. I think I am going to stick with the carbons. I have almost a dozen that I bought several years ago. They work with my draw length and weight but I'd love to cut a half inch off of them. Can you heat up the inserts and pull them out and reuse them like I've done on my aluminums? I have a dremel with a cut off tool so I was going to use that to cut a half inch off. I'm not sure if I still have any insert glue.....I know I have fletch-tite which I've used in the past to glue in inserts and knocks though.

  11. #31
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    The cord is what causes the rest to drop. You nock an arrow, flip the rest up. The arrow is now surrounded by the rest and the top bar so that it can't move around much when you are just carrying the bow or have it resting. When you draw back the cord is pulled and the internals of the rest rachet so that when you are half draw or more the rest is ready to drop as soo as your string comes forward. At this point anytime your string comes forward the rest is going to drop out of the way. But once you are drawn the rest is now ready to drop. Very shortly after you release the rest drops away and the arrow is now flying without anything touching it except the string. The force the string creates keeps the arrow on path even though it is no longer resting on a rest.

    As for inserts I have never had to remove them so I do not know how. As for glue I have used arrow specific glue and I have used crazy glue. Never noticed a difference.
    Last edited by Zinergy; 12-30-2014 at 11:18 AM.

  12. #32
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    I found my hot melt insert glue shit. Back to those fall away rests......what happens when you draw and have to let down? I put the bow on the square and set this hostage rest but it's gotta go. My fletchings are hitting the brushes on the way out of the bow. Which makes me wonder how a whisker bisquit doesn't mess with arrow flight since your fletchings are going through that too. I would rather my fletchings didn't touch shit on the way out of the bow.

  13. #33
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    If you draw and have to let down the rest still drops away. No way to stop it once you have drawn. If you let off slow enough the arrow still stays on the rest as there is a groove on the rest even when it is laying flat. Then you have to either flip it up with your hand or thumb again or draw back and the rest will flip up on its own. I always like to have the rest flipped up though. I never let the drawing of the string flip it up.

    This is all in regards to the ripcord btw. There are new talon looking drop aways and I don't know much about them but the ripcord is the most widely used drop away. The ripcord does need to be calibrated for the bow. It is pretty easy to do but when I bought mine at the bow shop they put it on for free.

  14. #34
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    I got side tracked this afternoon. Got the muzzle loader out and ran some rounds through it. That thing drives me crazy. I need to take that piece of shit scope off of it. The whole gun and scope combo was a gift from a hunting buddy so I didn't pick any of it out. The muzzy is an inline traditions and I forget the brand of scope but it was a no name type scope. Thing drives me insane with how far that scope gets off and I've never had this thing shooting 100% like I want it. I've shot 1 deer with it in the 10-12 years I've owned it. Normally by the time that muzzy season rolls around I have a couple deer in the freezer so the motivation isn't there to bust my ass hunting them down. The deer I did kill with it was 2 years ago and we used a range finder from where I shot to where the deer was because I knew it was a fairly decent shot.....92 yards. Anyhow....I get it out today and start shooting it at 50 yards just to check the sights. Way the fuck off.....I mean waaaaay the fuck off. Gun has been sitting in the cabinet since early october which was the last time I sighted it in. It was way left and way high. I ended up maxing that scope out all the way to the right and it's still not on. That scope is going bye bye but I don't think I'll have time to do it this week before I hunt with it Friday. I'll just have to aim to the right which sucks.

    You can see where it started and where it ended up as I made adjustments. I prefer it to be a little high at 50 in case I get longer shots. If I get time tomorrow I may pull that scope and get it on with open sights. I'm supposed to get Zach's gun on for him tomorrow which is a whole different nightmare haha. His gun hasn't shot right since the day we bought it. Muzzle loaders are finicky pieces of shit.

  15. #35
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    Damn that does suck. Maxing out the scope and still not far enough at 50 yards. I have never owned a muzzle loader or gone muzzle loader hunting. You can just use guns in the southern countires during muzzle loader and I bow hunt more than anything.

  16. #36
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    still looking at rests......looking at this one

    it doesn't de-cock on let downs which would be a huge plus. I guess it's because I'm old and stubborn but I can just keep finding reasons to want to stick with my old shit. What about if it sleets/rains and then freezes on the cord or the rest itself gets covered in ice? Is it going to drop out of the way? Just stuff I think about. I really want to just get a nap quick tune which is pretty much what I use now.....I think my current one is either nap or cobra but it's that style rest.

  17. #37
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    I have heard of people having issues with the QAD hunter. Some people love it and say it works great. Others say it has a slight bounce back that causes it to tap their vanes. I think it depends on the bow, arrow speed and getting it timed right. The ripcord seems to work on pretty much anything and has to my knowledge no bounce back. I have never had an issue with my ripcord getting in the way. It goes down and stays down.

    As for ice, well that can happen to any rest. What if you get ice on any rest? It will not operate properly. If your old one works and doesn't get in the way then by all means use it. But I think there is a reason why the ripcord seems to be the standard for drop aways for the past 5+ years.

  18. #38
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    I just keep coming back to what has worked for me over the years. I've shot ~30 deer with that same style rest and I've never had a single issue out of it. It's just hard for me to move to something else just for the sake of moving. At the same time though I realize how stubborn that is. I'm trying to move into the new age but my oldness and stubbornness isn't going without a fight. The fewer mechanical things I have on my bow the better off I am is my thinking. Moving parts is just shit to tear up at some point and almost always at the worst possible time. That whole cord thing and something flipping out of the way real fast just has me concerned. Probably would work awesome.....just takes a lot to convince me why I need to change.
    I don't have to be in a hurry really....I have until next season but if I could've gotten this bow up and shooting right in time I would take it out this year.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0rion View Post
    I just keep coming back to what has worked for me over the years. I've shot ~30 deer with that same style rest and I've never had a single issue out of it. It's just hard for me to move to something else just for the sake of moving. At the same time though I realize how stubborn that is. I'm trying to move into the new age but my oldness and stubbornness isn't going without a fight. The fewer mechanical things I have on my bow the better off I am is my thinking. Moving parts is just shit to tear up at some point and almost always at the worst possible time. That whole cord thing and something flipping out of the way real fast just has me concerned. Probably would work awesome.....just takes a lot to convince me why I need to change.
    I don't have to be in a hurry really....I have until next season but if I could've gotten this bow up and shooting right in time I would take it out this year.
    With age comes more stubborness. I am sure when I am your age I won't want to switch to the "new hover rest where the arrow never touches anything" or whatever the hell is out at that time. I'll keep shouting "my drop away has never let me down"(hopefully).

  20. #40
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    what do you make of this? This is Zach's muzzle loader. Thing shoots for shit really. Some of it is shooter error but I'm confident that most of it is the gun. Shots were kinda all over the place but mostly to the right. I had to jack this rear sight way over. Never had a gun I had to adjust the rear sights this much. This is actually much better than it was......I swapped to a different cap and went to a lighter bullet today to see what would happen and it did help a little bit but there's still issues there. I'm going to try and up his load. Gun maxes at 150 grains of powder but I've been loading 70 grains so it won't stomp him so much. A little light youth 45 cal with 150 grains lays an ass beating on you. I may shoot it myself though and up the powder and see if it straightens out. I just wonder if that bullet isn't spinning tight enough to stay accurate. I've also read people having problems with powerbelts in some guns which is what we shoot because it's the only 45 cal bullet I can find around here and I bought a shit load of them.

    This cardboard is kind of a cluster fuck. 1-4 were me shooting it. I also did 10 in the bull as the last shot and I backed up on that shot to about 50yards. The rest are only at like 35 yards. The hole with the "X" on it is from yesterday when I was shooting at the other side of the cardboard. haha and I marked "mine" on the hole I put in it today with my muzzle loader at 50. That's about right where I want mine.....maybe a little higher than I would like but it should be good out to 100 pretty easily. This time of year with no leaves on I can see a shot that far in a couple places I hunt.

    What's your thoughts on that rear sight being jacked over like that? I mean it's pretty sloppy grouping and some of that is simply just shitty shooting but the gun is definitely shooting way off to the right. If I put that rear sight in the middle it'll shoot 4" right which is exactly what shot 1 was. I moved the sight and hit 2 and thought I had it but then 3 and 4 kinda went back over there.

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