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  1. #1
    burn'in fords 1 RedHot TransAm's Avatar
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    The price of owning a bird

    i have noticed when ever I drive my bird I get alot of mixed reactions mostly good but I always get those dicks that hate on you and are obviously JELOUS mostly with the younger punk crowd but you do get an older person as well non the less like today I was just drivin down the road and I see an older crown vick comin on my ass real fast then they jerk over and its a bunch of high school lookin punks that pull up next to me and start beepin their horn laughing and reving I ignored them which you could tell bothered them then they went like 1000 mph and got in front of me about a mile up ahead they stoped left to turn at the light ahead I went by and they beeped again tryin to be funny this type of stuff gets highly annoying if i had a nickle for every jelous punk thats tryed to mess with me i'd be rich, can anyone else relate to this that hates getting that unwanted attention time to time I have a hundered more storys through the 4 years I have owned my bird, but what ya gonna do I guess its just the price you pay to have such a sexy attention getter like the TransAm...

  2. #2
    Member jujofields's Avatar
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    I know what you're saying...most of the time I get good reactions to my TA, sometimes REALLY good reactions lol...but, there have been times when some douche will try to be an asshole & do things like you mentioned above...but the best part is when some ricer thinking he's the shit pulls up by you & you stomp the shit out of him!

  3. #3
    burn'in fords 1 RedHot TransAm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jujofields View Post
    I know what you're saying...most of the time I get good reactions to my TA, sometimes REALLY good reactions lol...but, there have been times when some douche will try to be an asshole & do things like you mentioned above...but the best part is when some ricer thinking he's the shit pulls up by you & you stomp the shit out of him!
    Oh I hear ya I just detailed/washed my car yesterday pulled onto the blvd and a dork in a scion actually thought he could run me needless to say he got raped by many car lengths it always makes it better when they think in there tiny ricer minds that they are actually gonna beat you LoL

  4. #4
    Army of 1 wooddaniel's Avatar
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    Most people ask me what year my camaro is... Lately I dont even bother correcting them and telling them It's a WS-6. Other than that I had some woman tell me the other day that I was killing the earth by driving a V-8...

  5. #5
    burn'in fords 1 RedHot TransAm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wooddaniel View Post
    Most people ask me what year my camaro is... Lately I dont even bother correcting them and telling them It's a WS-6. Other than that I had some woman tell me the other day that I was killing the earth by driving a V-8...
    LoL damn hippes yeah I was in the mcdonalds drive-thru and the girl says "daamn nice camaro is that 08???" I was like ya and she goes "cool"

  6. #6
    M6 King Hot Black Trans-Am's Avatar
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    I can relate to all the above so far. For the bad stuff I've had my car spit on, egged, drinks thrown at it, sandwich's thrown at it, keyed and what ever else that I don't know about. The good stuff, many thumbs up, waves, head nods, shouts, tity flashes, and even a few people hitting curbs by looking at my car to long. So much fun....

  7. #7
    Fuzzbuster Jr. fluke's Avatar
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    ^ I know how you feel man, I was talking to two girls today and they were asking me about my car and I told them what it was and they hadn't a clue and never (honestly) heard of a Trans Am before. One girl drives a Mustang GT! Oh well.. they loved my car though..

    I have encountered the morons on the roads too. I've had people try to ram me, chase me to the point of almost rolling their SUV (same person who tried to ram me who I was getting away from), yell at me, slow down and drive 20mph in a curvy 55mph speed limit section of road for 20 miles to annoy me when they see me coming up behind them (then speed way the hell up on passing zones), etc. Oh well. As long as they don't mess with my car in a parking lot.. they'd severely regret that.

  8. #8
    M6 King Hot Black Trans-Am's Avatar
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    Usually if some ask what I drive and I tell them a Trans-am they say "is that like what smokey and the bandit drove?" I'm like forget it, subject change.

  9. #9
    Junior Member ScrewieStewie02's Avatar
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    i take everything as it comes (good and bad) and just laugh... the dirty looks, pass a ricer on the highway and then he will do a flyby right before his exit, head turns, getting cut off on the highway, etc...
    as for someone actually messin with my car... i fully support the second ammendment if you get my drift

  10. #10
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    i like to laugh at people that rev some of the biggest piles i've ever seen at me like they have something . i also get alot of people yelling slow down when i'm doing the speed limit because of my exhaust but i love it. i live in a small lower class city and it turns alot of heads.

  11. #11
    Member 2-bowties&abird's Avatar
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    for christs sake where the hell do you guys live where people are trying to do that kind of crap to your cars? somebody would have to get a serious ass whipping or the cops called on them if they even thought about throwing shit at any of my vehicles. i'll go as far as to stopping people on my lane if they are driving too fast kicking up a bunch of dust. i almost got in a fight with a farmer one day in my front yard, he had to be doing at least 35-40 in a tractor trailer down my lane, i had just asked him to please slow down coming down my driveway because i have children and animals, and he was the one who commenced to cussing me. needles to say he sung a different tune when i told him we would see what the law thought about all of this. i have never had a problem with him since, and now he waves every time i see

  12. #12
    Nightmare RedFenix_68's Avatar
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    If some fag had the nerve to throw some shit at my car....that shit would turn into fight club real quick, id be frikin edward newton "i just felt like destroying something beautiful." I parked outside of walgreens for 2 sec. 2secs! and i came back outsde and my driver side door had a door scratch in it, not ding. I was frikin furious. I felt like setting every car around mine on fire.

  13. #13
    Firebird Encyclopedia 9T8W66's Avatar
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    I can definetely Relate to what you have all said.
    I bought my first Firebird in Spring 1990 (`79 Trans Am) and have owned nothing but Birds since (`94 Formula `98 Formula).
    These Cars are obviuosly built for Enthusiast, and we will allways love and appreciate them. For every 1 person you meet that likes your car there are 10 that could care less and 5 of them want to put you down or make stupid uninformed comments about it.
    The punk kids that always want to mess around don't bother me as much cause I was arrogant and full of angst once just like them.
    I look at it this way My LS1 turned 10 yrs old last month and it is still capable of blowing the doors off of 95% of what is out on the road today. It is the last gasp of pure muscle from a line of cars that in Enthsiast circles has become somewhat of and Icon. So go out there run through the gears and enjoy your little peice of History. And don't worry about the Na sayers their just pissed because they can't go by a new one anymore.
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  14. #14
    T/A is in Bahrain! 13nickels's Avatar
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    Its a damn shame when you drive a piece of automotive history and its ill-appreciated or disrespected. Of course you all know we are at fault a little here. With our throaty exhaust and flashy rare cars drawing attention to ourselfs. Hell can you blame them. Its like a hot chick in general population prison. They cant help it, its visual crack. These cars are beautyful and not the center of the current media. So if its not on MTV or primetime TV brothers, the only time they see us is when we are on the street or blazing glory in the parking lots. Of course they'll react didnt you when you realized what these cars are. I say let them hate us, just keep a car alarm and a heavy foot to fight them off.
    Last edited by 13nickels; 04-05-2008 at 06:03 AM.

  15. #15
    Senior Member big hammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1 RedHot TransAm View Post
    i have noticed when ever I drive my bird I get alot of mixed reactions mostly good but I always get those dicks that hate on you and are obviously JELOUS mostly with the younger punk crowd but you do get an older person as well non the less like today I was just drivin down the road and I see an older crown vick comin on my ass real fast then they jerk over and its a bunch of high school lookin punks that pull up next to me and start beepin their horn laughing and reving I ignored them which you could tell bothered them then they went like 1000 mph and got in front of me about a mile up ahead they stoped left to turn at the light ahead I went by and they beeped again tryin to be funny this type of stuff gets highly annoying if i had a nickle for every jelous punk thats tryed to mess with me i'd be rich, can anyone else relate to this that hates getting that unwanted attention time to time I have a hundered more storys through the 4 years I have owned my bird, but what ya gonna do I guess its just the price you pay to have such a sexy attention getter like the TransAm...
    yeah i get sick of punks trying to race me with sunfires.
    Quote Originally Posted by wooddaniel View Post
    Most people ask me what year my camaro is... Lately I dont even bother correcting them and telling them It's a WS-6. Other than that I had some woman tell me the other day that I was killing the earth by driving a V-8...
    that's when i proceed to do a burnout.

  16. #16
    Member Cronex's Avatar
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    I can relate to all of you. Last night when I was at work I was actually complimented on my TA, again. The girl said it was a sexy car. Then when I started it up I heard her say to her friend "That car is loud, and sexy. I would definitely want one of those." (I have Loud Mouth 2 cat-back.) Then other people have come in and told me they liked it alot too. Had one guy ask if I could turn it on and rev it for him... got into some nice conversations with Camaro / Firebird / other muscle owners about it and what they have, or had. Even had a guy that had an 04 Mustang GT say to me that he had an 00' WS6 T/A that he sold and bought the GT, and that if he could he would have kept the TA because it wasn't the same in the long run. At the same time, there can be alot of douche bags too, dispite all the good attention / compliments my car gets. One night, I was coming home from work and was stopped at a light when a WRX drives up to the light and stops too. In it it has four teenagers around my age. (I am 20.) It was raining out, the driver wants to be a cool dude and try to mock a TA. So when the light turns green he floors it, in doing so he also lost grip, and almost hit parked cars on the side of the road. Not being cool, and almost hitting other cars he realized he made a fool of himself, and turned on the next street. I drive at my own pace, regardless, unless someone rev's me down or I rev them down and I want to run just because of this dumb stuff. (And no, I never race in rain.) People on rare occasions will ride my ass, and stuff like that on purpose. On the blvd. if im in the front of the line of traffic I will get up to atleast 50 MPH then cruise, quicker then everyone else, for the fact that if someone wants to do stupid stuff I am ahead of everyone else, and dont have to worry about getting hit by them and or getting caught in a pile up of cars. (At the same time, I could see why some people may think im a hot headed muscle guy and I may come off as an ass, but im not like flooring it to 50.) I find that generally, 90 percent of the time the people that usually have a problem with my car are pro-rice, or pro-importers. The rest going to some hot headed muscle owners (Usually Mustang) offense, or the older people that have a problem with other people driving things that aren't slow. (Reference to Honda, Hyundai, Saturn, etc. mom, dad, grandmom or pop owners.)...or just the straight up jealous people. Dispite all this, I still love my car. Oh, and as for the exhaust thing when people yell at you to slow down, I used to get that alot when I had my stock exhaust on and was going the speed limit. Ever since I put the cat-back on, its only happened to me once so far.

  17. #17
    Dcdrummer LS1buckey's Avatar
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    I know what it's like to have your car called a camaro. I was turning right at a stop light one day and next to me in a vert mustang were to older women with two little girls in the back seat, one of the little girls said mom whats that car and she replied that's a camaro sweety then I proceeded to burn my tires as I turned the corner. Some times people will see my car in a parking lot and ask me what year that camaro is and I say what camaro? Sunfires and stupid shit like that are always trying to get me to race them, I just think to myself what do I need to prove to a slow ass daily driver like that? Not a damn thing. At the same time though I get allot of props for my car which makes all the bad seem worth dealing with.

  18. #18
    burn'in fords 1 RedHot TransAm's Avatar
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    Yeah today after making this post I was cruisin down the road this after noon and a man that was loading branches in the back of his trick truck waved sticks at me and yelled HEY!!, all I was doin was crusiin down a residential street goin 20 mph and my catback was rumbling pretty nice WHAT A DICK! also after that a women in a grandam passed me thinking she was faster. But non the less I love my car and get alot of good reactions that out weigh the negatives I just need to start ignoring these DUMB ASSES and enjoy my car not caring what they think, Also im glad there alot of people that can relate makes me feel not so alone when it comes to that PEACE

  19. #19
    Oh No! Its the Cops 95Fyrebyrd's Avatar
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    i was commin home from a dyno day at this import shop, and im on 270 and im just laid back listening to the radio driving next to a ws6 and i see this integra commin behind me pullin fast and i see this hugh intercooler and i get over to let him pass but he wanted to race the ws6 so i let them and this WS6 floored it and he basically put a leash on this integra and walked it down the highway i started laughing then whent on my way.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1 RedHot TransAm View Post
    LoL damn hippes yeah I was in the mcdonalds drive-thru and the girl says "daamn nice camaro is that 08???" I was like ya and she goes "cool"
    same thing happened to me last year! the chick was al are these new? I am all yep wanna ride.

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