I was reading another site that had a practical joke on it and it reminded me of a couple things I've did to people that still give me a good chuckle.

My uncle bought and restored an old tractor himself a couple years back. On the test drive something in the steering broke ( due to his tractor restoration skills) and the tractor made a hard right turn, hit a stump next to the road, and flipped over. He wasn't seriously hurt but got pretty banged up and cracked some ribs.
I give him a call while he was in the hospital and when he answered the phone I said "Uncle Phil......I have a stump here in the yard that needs pulled. Do you know anyone with a tractor?"
Not sure if any of you have had cracked ribs but if you have you know how much it hurts to laugh with them. He was laughing, crying out in pain, and cussing me all at the same time.

Another one was my younger brother. When he was in his 20's he went to the doctor to get circumcised. Not sure why and I never asked. I mailed him a pair of pants that had a plastic cup glued sticking out of the zipper and the cup was full of cotton balls.