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    ? for everone who truly believes in god

    Why does nobody wanna die? I mean Heaven has to be better then this crazy life on earth.

    We have been taught that Heaven is truly a wonderful thing and it's just the greatest thing ever yet We spend billions of dollars a year at doctors and hospitals to try and not die. We go through radiation and everthing else imaginable to prevent death. If Put someone in a life and death situation and first words are don't let me die or I don't wanna die.

    Even the pope was or requested to be kept alive which from what I know is supposed to be against whatever he stands for... I don't get it

    Truth is nobody knows what happens when you die, so for us to have the whole thing mapped out is beyond crazy to me. First the tunnel and the white light

    Anyone think they can explain this to me?

  2. #2
    Never Drink and Derive Tonik's Avatar
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    Because no matter how "devout" a person may be they will always have the thought in the back of their mind, "What if it [their religion] was all made up."

    I wouldn't worry over the "What comes after life" question, It just leads to stress and possibly being the next SpeedAddict. (And nobody wants that.)

  3. #3
    used and abused at wot ibanez7's Avatar
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    the tunnel of white light was proven by scientist and doctors that it is actually the decrease in blood flow to the eyes and brain right before you die. This causes the billion of optical nerves to see all colors(white) but as tunnel vision.

    There was a cool show on Science or Discovery channel about it, covering how the eye works.

    in regards to people being sensitized and taught to believe heaven is a great place. this belief only came about as a coping mechanism, so the living can deal with the death of a loved one with ease.

    People need a higher power purpose in life, and need to feel that belong to something bigger. hence the creation of god and the paradise of heaven.

    When in reality, when we die, everything goes beyond black, there is no black, there is nothing, but us as worm food. That concept is too scary for people to admit too.. Hence why we are the only animal on the planet that has a god.

  4. #4
    Old Enough to Know Better Crimson Sin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez7 View Post
    the tunnel of white light was proven by scientist and doctors that it is actually the decrease in blood flow to the eyes and brain right before you die. This causes the billion of optical nerves to see all colors(white) but as tunnel vision.

    There was a cool show on Science or Discovery channel about it, covering how the eye works.

    in regards to people being sensitized and taught to believe heaven is a great place. this belief only came about as a coping mechanism, so the living can deal with the death of a loved one with ease.

    People need a higher power purpose in life, and need to feel that belong to something bigger. hence the creation of god and the paradise of heaven.

    When in reality, when we die, everything goes beyond black, there is no black, there is nothing, but us as worm food. That concept is too scary for people to admit too.. Hence why we are the only animal on the planet that has a god.
    Be that all as it may.. The fact that each religion gets explained away as technology advances..The Greeks and their Panthology etc..God of Lightning, God of the Sun and so on have all been explained have the Egyptian Gods, the Native American Gods and so on..
    I am NOT disagreeing with Ibanez on the science of it.. Only want to add this
    Life is Energy.. Science has shown that energy is a universal Constant.. It never goes away. If you truly believe that all that you are, All that you were and all that you knew and thought/believed perishes when your cranial activity ceases.. Ouch.
    I do not, I am not going to preach or ask that you see it my way. I believe that you move through life in stages.. Each time you die/reborn you either move up the "ladder" towards Heaven by making good choices or down ..
    I don't think I am afraid of Death for Death's sake.. but merely that I am enjoying my wife and life at this time and my next go around, while it may be "better" ... It very well could be alot worse..
    Hope that makes sense.

  5. #5
    Grand Imperial Wizard Sarge's Avatar
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    Retired Outlaw Sum Bitch is called faith man....I believe...went through all the doubt...I beleive because the "science" is more bizzare than if there is a God or not.....Big Boom my ass....I am happy in my ignorance (according to non beleivers) and happy in my faith and communicate daily.....Faith/God is a personal thing man....The big guy is there....

  6. #6
    Exalted Cyclops 67CamaroRSSS's Avatar
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    ^ Bhagavad Gita?

    Note: This was for Crimson Sin....

  7. #7
    Old Enough to Know Better Crimson Sin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 67CamaroRSSS View Post
    ^ Bhagavad Gita?

    Note: This was for Crimson Sin....
    Not really, I tend to believe in Christ and God, at least that's the more easily accepted name/face for this culture.. In my heart I feel that there is a God. I don't care if you call him Allah, God or Bubba..
    I believe in the tenements of Be Nice to your fellow man. Be a Good Person. I am also a Firm believer in What Goes Around, Comes Around or Kharma if you will... Some might say you Reap what you Sow..It's all the same thing..I refuse to be pigeon holed into some textbook on how I believe or what I feel/think. The Good book says where ever two or more are gathered in my Name.. There so am I. In response to the OP.. I think Ibanez's post was spot on.. If you have No Faith, and you feel that when you die it's all done. The electro-chemical reactions in your brain cease and all that you are is rotting and wasted... I would be Terrified to die..Perhaps we are no more important that a moth.. Perhaps there is nothing in all the universe but gas and dust.. We are just million monkeys on a million keyboards, eeking out masterpieces by mistake.. But I don't think so.

  8. #8
    used and abused at wot ibanez7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Sin View Post
    Be that all as it may.. The fact that each religion gets explained away as technology advances..The Greeks and their Panthology etc..God of Lightning, God of the Sun and so on have all been explained have the Egyptian Gods, the Native American Gods and so on..
    I am NOT disagreeing with Ibanez on the science of it.. Only want to add this
    Life is Energy.. Science has shown that energy is a universal Constant.. It never goes away. If you truly believe that all that you are, All that you were and all that you knew and thought/believed perishes when your cranial activity ceases.. Ouch.
    I do not, I am not going to preach or ask that you see it my way. I believe that you move through life in stages.. Each time you die/reborn you either move up the "ladder" towards Heaven by making good choices or down ..
    I don't think I am afraid of Death for Death's sake.. but merely that I am enjoying my wife and life at this time and my next go around, while it may be "better" ... It very well could be alot worse..
    Hope that makes sense.
    I do agree with your post. its all about energy and the transfer of.

  9. #9
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    IDK...I guess because we're human...and not like Paul at all. A man who said to die was to gain. We're all selfish human-beings...and can't take our Trans-Ams with us to Heaven.

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    This is a interesting you belive ?

    Once you've had a near death experence, I think your perspective of everything changes(or get more complicated)...I had a very serious car accident about 8 months back (still in recovery) almost/could have died..yep totaled car, jaws of life extraction, rushed into emergency surgey, multipule surgey's performed, (more planned in the future), almost crippled for life...point is when your lying there you have nothing to do but think, and wonder why, and how come ???

    If there is a god then why did this happen to me( was he mad, did I do somthing wrong..if so is god vendictive and wanted to get me or get even ?)...if there isnt a god then how the hell am i alive and survive this ??

    People said to me how lucky i was to survive..that god was by my side.

    I said WTF if he was there, if he was with me then why the hell did this happen ??

    Im more confused about god, religion then i ever was in my entire life..the entire subject is just soo deep and complex it's mind boggling.

    Did god create man ?? or Did man create god to civilize, and create order to a crazy world by putting the fear of "god" in you.

    I need to see a miracle to belive...or is it a miracle that im just here to type this ?

    I would so love to know the truth.

  11. #11
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    Idk what to tell you, Mike.

    God is a pretty big dude in my mind. Heck, if I believe He created every single thing in this universe, even human beings...I must believe He's pretty powerful...and probably far outside of my own human understanding by this brain He gave me. One thing I do know...God and religion are not the same thing. God is, religion is what we believe about Him.

    A lot of people believe this happens because of Big Bad Satan...quite possible. Others believe God is the creator of good and evil...seen some pretty good debates on this one, but not fully given into the idea God is the master of evil. Another good theory bad things happen is this is all from the Fall of Man (the whole adam and eve sinning). There are many theories out there.

    I'm sorry for what has happened to you, and hope things are better for you now.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightryda01 View Post
    Anyone think they can explain this to me?
    We fear the unknown.

  13. #13
    ʢ ൧ ൨ ൩ ൪ ൫ ൬ ൭ ൮Ր Ց Ւ Փ Smittro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Sin View Post
    Not really, I tend to believe in Christ and God, at least that's the more easily accepted name/face for this culture.. In my heart I feel that there is a God. I don't care if you call him Allah, God or Bubba..
    I believe in the tenements of Be Nice to your fellow man. Be a Good Person. I am also a Firm believer in What Goes Around, Comes Around or Kharma if you will... Some might say you Reap what you Sow..It's all the same thing..I refuse to be pigeon holed into some textbook on how I believe or what I feel/think. The Good book says where ever two or more are gathered in my Name.. There so am I. In response to the OP.. I think Ibanez's post was spot on.. If you have No Faith, and you feel that when you die it's all done. The electro-chemical reactions in your brain cease and all that you are is rotting and wasted... I would be Terrified to die..Perhaps we are no more important that a moth.. Perhaps there is nothing in all the universe but gas and dust.. We are just million monkeys on a million keyboards, eeking out masterpieces by mistake.. But I don't think so.

    Agree man. You're talking about power that's impossible for human comprehention(sp). Believer or non believer if we can't wrap our heads around ALL the possiblities how can we say one way is not the other? If that makes sense to anyone? Meaning we may also have to except that there are things we may never know. Since we do'nt have all the answers, that's where (for some) faith comes in. I personally do'nt see anything wrong with (the exception of satanist) other faiths as long as it's not used as a justification for killing.
    I'm a "Born Again" Christian, I believe Jesus Christ is Lord. But that is what I believe. I live with an understanding that there are somethings not meant for me/us to understand. I'm comfortable in my life with that personally.
    Fear is one of the most powerfull things we feel. It's natural (I think) to fear death, after all it's an unknown to the human race, cant ask a dead person what it was like.....My beliefs tell me there's more too it...
    Last edited by Smittro; 06-30-2009 at 06:47 PM.

  14. #14
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    So when is the last time you spoke to god... what did he say.

    People need a reason to justify there existence. Religion is a nessesary evil. It gives morally bankrupt people values to live by (even if its just on sundays).
    Last edited by cmb570; 06-30-2009 at 05:57 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmb570 View Post

    People need a reason to justify there existence.
    very true...Because, we do exist. We can't deny our own existence. Not trying to be Decartes here....but we can doubt everything we hear, see, know....but we can't deny the fact that we, whatever we are, are doubting...and therefore, have some sort of existence..., and knowing I haven't always existed...does make me ponder...How did I become to exist? thus leading causeway to find the "how" and for me the "who."

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    ʢ ൧ ൨ ൩ ൪ ൫ ൬ ൭ ൮Ր Ց Ւ Փ Smittro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmb570 View Post
    So when is the last time you spoke to god... what did he say.

    People need a reason to justify there existence. Religion is a nessesary evil. It gives morally bankrupt people values to live buy (even if its just on sundays).
    I speak to Jesus everyday. As for what is or is not said that's between the Lord and myself. .....And yes I dont always get the answer I want.

    To the second part of your post. That's fine if that's what you believe. I just do'nt share that perspective..

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    Quote Originally Posted by jknelms View Post
    if I believe He created every single thing in this universe, even human beings...I must believe He's pretty powerful...and probably far outside of my own human understanding by this brain He gave me.

    I'm sorry for what has happened to you, and hope things are better for you now.

    Yeah man it's is difficult to understand, and i do want to figure it out, but it honestly is just to much to comprehend at times

    And yes things are getting better, i am out of the wheelchair and walking on my own..and even back to work...although life will never be the same for me or my family..but I am alive and with the one's I love.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike 00'SS View Post
    Yeah man it's is difficult to understand, and i do want to figure it out, but it honestly is just to much to comprehend at times

    And yes things are getting better, i am out of the wheelchair and walking on my own..and even back to work...although life will never be the same for me or my family..but I am alive and with the one's I love.
    Love is a pretty powerful thing. If it's real...honestly, it heals everything. I hear many stories of accidents like this tearing families apart...i'm glad to hear your's has held on strong. Something like that can make you realize how many people around you truly care about you...and how deep their commitment is.

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    Do you really believe that everything in this world is just here from nothing? Every atom in a living body has to work perfectly everytime over and over for you to live, and you think there is no higher power (god)? To the grass growing, to the revolution and rotation of every planet, to every living thing that is born, to every life cycle in this planet, you realize what kind of process your body and brain needs to work and operate properly everyday? God is the operator and mastermind of it all! Just think hard about what every little thing consist of and ask yourself if you think it "just happened?" People don't think about these little things that are sooo complex that it is beyond human comprehension. God made us and everything in the universe, what makes humans so stupid and proud to think that they can comprehend anything that god is and has made. They can't understand God, so they reject him. That's what the bible is for, simply terms for humans to understand the power and love of God. I know i sound like a preacher but i just can't understand how people cannot see this stuff that is so obvious to those people who are born again. I guess once your saved your eyes open up to all these obvious things. Anyways, i can go on forever... ill just leave with this note, "if you don't believe in god and faith that he is the creator of ALL things, then all i have to say is you better be Right cuz it won't be anything nice. Hell is very HOTT, everlasting unquenchable fire Forever! Imagine standing in a fire and feeling the pain of your skin and flesh burning but you never die and it NEVER stops....that's hell and it is REAL whether you believe it or not. This is what alot of people don't want to hear, but need to hear.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunsetorangss View Post
    Do you really believe that everything in this world is just here from nothing? Every atom in a living body has to work perfectly everytime over and over for you to live, and you think there is no higher power (god)? To the grass growing, to the revolution and rotation of every planet, to every living thing that is born, to every life cycle in this planet, you realize what kind of process your body and brain needs to work and operate properly everyday? God is the operator and mastermind of it all! Just think hard about what every little thing consist of and ask yourself if you think it "just happened?" People don't think about these little things that are sooo complex that it is beyond human comprehension. God made us and everything in the universe, what makes humans so stupid and proud to think that they can comprehend anything that god is and has made. They can't understand God, so they reject him. That's what the bible is for, simply terms for humans to understand the power and love of God. I know i sound like a preacher but i just can't understand how people cannot see this stuff that is so obvious to those people who are born again. I guess once your saved your eyes open up to all these obvious things. Anyways, i can go on forever... ill just leave with this note, "if you don't believe in god and faith that he is the creator of ALL things, then all i have to say is you better be Right cuz it won't be anything nice. Hell is very HOTT, everlasting unquenchable fire Forever! Imagine standing in a fire and feeling the pain of your skin and flesh burning but you never die and it NEVER stops....that's hell and it is REAL whether you believe it or not. This is what alot of people don't want to hear, but need to hear.

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