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Thread: Broken Heart

  1. #1
    Senior Member Stevie's Avatar
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    Broken Heart

    Well yes I have probably had my heart broken a few times but never like today.

    My son - was soo upset after being corrected and to listen to him cry just totaly broke my heart worse then ever before in my life. I actually had to hide my own tears.

    Unconditionally love is the best and worst kind.

    No wonder we are soo protective of our hearts with pothers , we have some control over those situations, lol. Children you are just stuck - to love and have your heart broken over and over sometimes over the simplilest things.

  2. #2
    Member The Manalishi's Avatar
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    Sometimes its tough but if its right then its right. He'll understand someday.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Stevie's Avatar
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    yea i know but - it kills me sometimes to be thwe big mean mommy when all yo really wanna do is just hug him.

  4. #4
    Member The Manalishi's Avatar
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    Yea that sucks. I hate having to be the big bad dad too.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Stevie's Avatar
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    yea it is soo unfair isn't it. kids are so cute and you just want to be the hero but man does it suck when you have to be the meany.

    i hate it

  6. #6
    Senior Member Z28Thunder's Avatar
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    It is one of hardest things that parents to have to do. Can make you think back to when your parents said they were not doing it to hurt you. But because they love you. But as you stated. Unconditionally love is the best and worst kind. The ones that get me are the ones that dont. You see their children all over the place. Thanks for being a real parent... Roll model..
    Last edited by Z28Thunder; 10-03-2008 at 08:19 PM.

  7. #7
    She Moderator KahanaReef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie View Post
    yea it is soo unfair isn't it. kids are so cute and you just want to be the hero but man does it suck when you have to be the meany.

    i hate it
    It you do it right... you'll always be his hero!

    Parenting can sometimes be a thankless job. But, it's also the most rewarding

  8. #8
    Member txz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Manalishi View Post
    Yea that sucks. I hate having to be the big bad dad too.
    +1 lol my boy is a total dadys boy too so when i lay down the law or just say no to something he goes into orbit damn red head just like his mother lol!! The thing that realy kills me and rips my heart to shreads is when i leave for work and he crys and crys and crys but other days he's totaly cool about it and even some how sums up the muscle to carry my jug of ice tea and cooler to the door and heaven for bid if i try to get my own work boots lol
    i gues i should give some info lol i work 2nd shift and my boy is only 2

  9. #9
    Senior Member Stevie's Avatar
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    yea i beleibve kids need a parent not a friend. but it is hard no matter what. questrioning yourself. my duaghter i am better with she is older and i guess i am used to having to disiplie but my "baby" wow it is hard. i keep asking myself was it this hard with her and yes it was.

  10. #10
    Member The Manalishi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by txz28 View Post
    +1 lol my boy is a total dadys boy too so when i lay down the law or just say no to something he goes into orbit damn red head just like his mother lol!! The thing that realy kills me and rips my heart to shreads is when i leave for work and he crys and crys and crys but other days he's totaly cool about it and even some how sums up the muscle to carry my jug of ice tea and cooler to the door and heaven for bid if i try to get my own work boots lol
    i gues i should give some info lol i work 2nd shift and my boy is only 2
    I have twin 2 year olds and they insist on grabbing my boots and bringing them to me and putting them up at the end of the day. They are usually pretty good about me leaving but I make sure they know I'm leaving for work and that I'll be back. I start saying bye to them about 5 or 10 minutes before I go. It settles them down so its not like I just left without including them. If you don't do that try it because when I didn't they freaked.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Z28Thunder's Avatar
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    Again has to be the hardest thing to do. But is done out of love and concern. Makes them a better person in the long run..

  12. #12
    Senior Member Stevie's Avatar
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    my kids - sometimes i feel bad beciase they are torn between two homes. but they seem ok. leaving them is always hard for me. but they are actaully good about it. lol i descirbe it as the double edge sword. you want you kids to be ok without you but damn when they are it hurts . but my kids still alwasy say home when they are here. something that i take great pride in

  13. #13
    Senior Member Stevie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z28Thunder View Post
    Again has to be the hardest thing to do. But is done out of love and concern. Makes them a better person in the long run..
    I agree - I am a parent first friedn second and i hope someday I will be theire fired too but in the least I know I will have their respect.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie View Post
    my kids - sometimes i feel bad beciase they are torn between two homes. but they seem ok. leaving them is always hard for me. but they are actaully good about it. lol i descirbe it as the double edge sword. you want you kids to be ok without you but damn when they are it hurts . but my kids still alwasy say home when they are here. something that i take great pride in
    see i told my old lady she would have to kill me bc i would never put my son through that i saw how screwed up my cousins and best friend got bc of that but you know different strokes different fokes i reckon but yeha i told her i would never leave even if it ment i built an add on to where ever we are livin lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Manalishi View Post
    I have twin 2 year olds and they insist on grabbing my boots and bringing them to me and putting them up at the end of the day. They are usually pretty good about me leaving but I make sure they know I'm leaving for work and that I'll be back. I start saying bye to them about 5 or 10 minutes before I go. It settles them down so its not like I just left without including them. If you don't do that try it because when I didn't they freaked.
    yeah i try that like i said some days he's really good about it just say i feel like i am cryin just as hard as he is lol. and last week we discovered daddys work boots make for great hideing places for cars and toys and that yucky stuff mommy tryed makin me eat for lunch

  16. #16
    Member The Manalishi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by txz28 View Post
    yeah i try that like i said some days he's really good about it just say i feel like i am cryin just as hard as he is lol. and last week we discovered daddys work boots make for great hideing places for cars and toys and that yucky stuff mommy tryed makin me eat for lunch
    Yea its never easy. The hiding place thing is funny sometimes. I have tried to show them that mommy has shoes too but it hasn't worked yet. LOL

  17. #17
    Member The Manalishi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevie View Post
    my kids - sometimes i feel bad beciase they are torn between two homes. but they seem ok. leaving them is always hard for me. but they are actaully good about it. lol i descirbe it as the double edge sword. you want you kids to be ok without you but damn when they are it hurts . but my kids still alwasy say home when they are here. something that i take great pride in
    As long as you do your best, and convince you ex to do the same they will be fine. I have a good friend who is divorced and the kids go back and forth and they are great kids. They work really hard at not bad mouthing the other in front of the kids and make sure they are civil to each other. Pretty amazing considering how messy their divorce was. It was BAD!

  18. #18
    Epic Fail: 12mpg 3.4 B34M3R's Avatar
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    Hmmmmf, just goes to show you haven't taught them any discipline yet. Your own fault.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by B34M3R View Post
    Hmmmmf, just goes to show you haven't taught them any discipline yet. Your own fault.
    Wow. I suppose you have perfect kids and a perfect life. I hope you can back that statement up with some hard evidence of how great you are because you sound like an ass with that post.

  20. #20
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    I have a 36" easton that will teach you something B34M3R. Sounds like Stevie doing a great job w/out your help. Sh asked for support not a smart ass comment.

    Last edited by Sweet Chops; 10-03-2008 at 10:21 PM. Reason: been drinking

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