AMC Drag Cars - You Drive What?

We check out a trio of fast AMC drag carsWhen you decide to build an AMC, you might as well think of a few cool comebacks for when guys poke fun at your ride. The three guys here chose the best possible comeback: They proved their versatility and performance by driving 25 miles to and from Dalton, Georgia, to Brainerd Optimist Dragstrip, where they all ran in the mid-6s on the eighth-mile track. That's like low to mid-10s in the quarter. There was no tire swapping or fueling up with race gas--they simply lowered the air pressure in the rear tires and went at it.

Photo Gallery: AMC Drag Cars - Three Fast American Motors Hatches - Hot Rod Magazine

Photo Gallery: AMC Drag Cars - Three Fast American Motors Hatches - Hot Rod Magazine

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