Conversation Between blue02Z and 02sunsetorangeZ

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. haha u bodagget
  2. sup bitch, this sucks i hate my school saturday is not an answer i should be getting ready to drink some superior drinkability.
  3. lol megs
  4. cracka get to work while you at skewl
  5. i c i c.
  6. lol lil guy. we watched the love guru with mike myers, it was pretty funny. then passed out real early. we are gonna go to the store early then come out
  7. i hate me computer at this second! you and lissa should have spent the night out here so we could have gone real early tomorrow but ur dumb and wont pick your phone up.
  8. lol i guess lil fella!
  9. idk my computer is so stupid lately it just pisses me off real bad
  10. kiddo why you never on here?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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