Conversation Between bluehawk2000 and tatertot91

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. At least you got that. Is yours a 6 speed or auto?
  2. All hwy and interstate!!
  3. town or highway?
  4. Yea I know I have to commute to work everyday shit sucks expecially with gas prices at 3.45 a gallon now!!
  5. Thats a lot of miles! I put max 50 a day, and thats on really busy days
  6. Yup that's exactly what I was thinking cause dd the t/a 130 miles a day sucks, plus all the miles I am putting on it!!
  7. honda accord/civic
  8. Yea I know that's right I am def going to be looking for something cheap and reliable with great gas mileage
  9. i will be looking into a beater but unless i find something real cheap, probably won't be for a while
  10. Yea, I can't wait to get me a beater car to put the trans am down myself!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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