Conversation Between CompSyn and SexOnWheels

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I guess you could say I’m an unofficial site sponsor for the time being. As it goes, revenue generated from the site did not keep up with the sponsorship fees. But the kind folks do remember CompSyn when they want Amsoil, so hopefully I’ll get the official status back soon. And I’ve been in stealth mode helping out Sarge with the upcoming Motor Oil Shootout whenever I can.
  2. I may not be a 'true oil junkie' but I do know what works esp. in race applications.

    The picture is of my car from a Road race last year that was sponsored by Mobil 1 (hence the banners) but yes I use Amsoil exclusively....

    Are you still a sponsor here at
  3. What up friend? Are you an oil Junkie? P.S. I like the pic with the Mobil 1 banners and two quarts of Amsoil sitting on the concrete barrier... Priceless!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3