Conversation Between SouthernBornThriller and knoll5150

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha...yeah, I hate I never got to see him in his prime, in person at least. I first started watching him back when it was the NWO vs. Horsemen in the mid 90s. Flair definatly paved the way, much moreso than Hogan for today's superstars, and he definatly got a great sendoff. Although I have to semi-disagree about Hogan not caring about the wrestling business. Hogan just cared about money more. He went to Hollywood, made lots of money, then came back to wrestling and held out for Hollywood type money as opposed to what wrestlers were making at the time. If he didn't care at all, he would've pulled a Rock and stayed in Hollywood.
  2. Ha ha, awesome! God, I remember growing up in the early eighties and seeing him wrestle Harley Race for the championship belt at our civic center in Saginaw. Think the damn match lasted nearly an hour. Staged or not, it's amazing to see anyone wrestle in a match that long. It's definately sad to see him and the Four Horseman go. Atleast he had a good sendoff vs. that loser Hogan, who never cared about the wrestling business to begin with.
  3. The Nature Boy is indeed, the man. And believe me, if you ever get the chance to meet him, he is EVERYTHING you'd expect. The Limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin', son of a gun! Woooooo!
  4. Hey S.B.T., just curious, but since you're from Charolotte NC... And you had some Ric Flair references...but Is he THE man or what??
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