Conversation Between B34M3R and hamburger68

10 Visitor Messages

  1. woah, here comes the late response!

    brace yourself, cars are really pricey here. but there are many options. if you can get a u.s. registration and insurance, get something politically incorrect. big cars with big engines run pretty low here at the moment. small cars are unproportionally expensive now because of high demand.
  2. Nope, no idea yet... its still too far ahead... I just recieved the heads-up that I would be heading out of the country sometime in June... sooooo..... whats a halfway decent car I could pick up for a few thousand dollars over there?
  3. sounds great, you know where are you gonna be yet? the u.s. bases are all in the south.
  4. Hey... guess whos getting stationed in Germany in June? We'll have to meet up sometime for a beer or 2
  5. Heh yea, I bet it is... You should try going to Daytona Beach during speedweeks... we've got the Rolex 24 as well as NASCAR there
  6. gulf coast south of tampa, but i've seen most of the state on previous visits. the weather is a nice contrast to hamburg, believe me...
  7. Texas isn't bad... but I like Florida better

    What part of FL did you visit?
  8. i like florida, been there in october, gonna come back next year. never been to texas.
  9. Yup, I'm originally from Florida though....
  10. i'm in! send some oil, you're in texas, right?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10