Conversation Between Kjz99z28 and jaslivers

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. You haven't been on in 8 months! That's almost as bad as my 2 year absence lol
  2. thats the one, thanks
  3. okgmp?
  4. what was the name of that oklahoma car forum??
  5. I'll keep my eyes peeled!!!
  6. maybe even white
  7. black, navy blue metalic, pewter.... just nothing red!! its icky lol, would prefer an m6 but would buy a a4 if it was the right car, damn navy bonus is burning a hole in my pocket lol
  8. Of course!! Color preference?
  9. hey killer!! would you keep your eyes open down in the city and let me know if you come across a ls1 for sale?? under 70k miles and mostly stock, thanks
  10. haha silly drunk
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
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