Conversation Between silverWS6 and 0rion

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Sweeeet!! Thanks!
  2. I just went out and test fit one on my car to make sure it was a good one and it fits perfect. I'm also sending you a piece of single sided sticky foam if you want to put it on the bracket. I don't run it on mine but some people might want it and I have a whole roll of it here.
  3. yep....they're the same.
  4. Sounds good, that same email is your paypal?
  5. email is
  6. email me your name and address and I'll get one out to you tomorrow or the next day. How about $10 to cover shipping and the metal?
  7. Yes sir I do! Last time at the track my battery kicked back and sparked O_o
  8. yeah.....I've made them in the past. I have a few out there left over I think. Need one?
  9. Hey 0rion, are you the one that makes the battery tie downs?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9