Conversation Between Obsession and SS02

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I hope everyone has a good holiday. If you are like me this is the last holiday my car would have been out until next year. When it was running I would be putting it away for the winter.
  2. I would love to but I need to get my car back on the road If I get something from my income tax I'll use it for that but me getting anything back is unlikly

  3. Thanks for adding a friend. I was told about this sight from a friend at work and I just couldn't get enough. I like looking at the cars. Speaking of. Omaha is having a car show and they have the Camaro concept car. I have seen them in movies and pictures but I would like to see one for real
  4. Hey Man nice to chat with U!

    I am getting a gathering together, later when it is warm hope to see U!

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4