Conversation Between bige97 and TedsB4Csled

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy T-day!
  2. whats up man what you been up to?
  3. when you get a chance no big hurry
  4. I owe you one more video don't I....LOL
  5. by chance do you have aol aim or yahoo yim would you?
  6. yea i have a youtube account just let me know when you get it up
  7. OMG the video! Glad you reminded me. You have my Youtube account? I will get it up, keep reminding me. Sorry man, I've been really sick...can't get over allergies. Oh, I have the next gen of the PCV Enhancer/Jar so it will bolt on just about anywhere. What is your e-mail I will send you pic. It looks a lot more professional than 1st gen.
  8. did you get that video up?
  9. Didn't race MX. Had some off road bikes and street bikes.
  10. how long did you race motorcross?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10