Conversation Between 10spokess and brianswimmer23

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. yeah it is a bitch to clean hahaha 6 hours of work=6 seconds of clean
  2. yours is sweet as well, i bet its fun keeping the black clean-NOT! i had a black camaro but it was a bitch to keep clean even though they look awesome!
  3. thanks!!
  4. i mean when it gets painted it looks awesome i love the way your car looks
  5. you cant see the pic? or did you mean when it gets painted?
  6. sweet dude that looks awesome cant wait to see the hood
  7. finally got the hood and stripes will be painted on as soon as i get a moment to do it!
  8. btw mine came as an LT4 from slp and the previous owner parted out the car and put stock z28 parts on it as well as an LT1, why i dont know!
  9. yea gonna get it looking like the lt4 ss's came with the orange stripes and gonna get houndstooth white leather instead of just white leather.
  10. Here are the stripes going to be like the sides of the scoop??? I think the white with hugger is one of the sexiest combos out there
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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