Corvette Fuel System Maintenance - Fuelish Behavior

A how-to guide to Corvette fuel-injection cleaning and maintenanceThe fuel-injection system that supplies the fuel to each cylinder of the engine in an '85-or-newer Corvette is so reliable that it seems to be almost maintenance free. The engine's fuel-injection system may be low maintenance, but it does have fuel-related components that need maintenance from time to time, such as the fuel pump, fuel filter(s), and the fuel injectors. The fuel injectors can-and most likely will-get "dirty" or contaminated by the deposits that gasoline forms in the fuel injectors as the gasoline flows through them.

Photo Gallery: Corvette Fuel System Maintenance - How To Clean And Repair Injectors - Corvette Fever Magazine

Photo Gallery: Corvette Fuel System Maintenance - How To Clean And Repair Injectors - Corvette Fever Magazine

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