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  1. #1
    Compulsive F bomb dropper sgt0704's Avatar
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    why is so slow?

    compared to the other camaro/lsx forums i go to, this is by far the slowest to load on just about every page. is it time for you guys to upgrade your server? i would think it could be my connection, but all of the other sites load rather quickly.

  2. #2
    SUPREME member-oderator oneBADDz's Avatar
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    It's not always this bad, it comes and goes. Seems to me that the ISP LS1 uses is never making the right moves.

  3. #3
    Blown, Stroked, & Sprayed

    Ed Blown Vert's Avatar
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    I finally got the ISP to fix the issue.

  4. #4
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    ... nice!

  5. #5
    Senior Member predator's Avatar
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    was the fix y it was down all day?


  6. #6
    Blown, Stroked, & Sprayed

    Ed Blown Vert's Avatar
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    The ISP has been having problems all day.

  7. #7
    Senior Member predator's Avatar
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    day? its having a bad month...


  8. #8
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    Would anybody be willing to send in just like $1.00 to Ed to help make this a better place? If just 1 in 5 members did that, it would be $5,000+. That would surely be enough to switch to a more dependable ISP ... if there is such a thing. As ISP's continually upgrade WAN connections and take on requirements to filter more material and stay up on providing safe Internet services ... well, sometimes they DO have bad months. If Ed is confident the future will be brighter with this ISP, then, he's prob right. Then, that $1.00 would be good to upgrade his equipment with. After all, if not for him, we might not have this great place to come and hang out. Let's all try being part of the solution and not a part of the problem ... just a suggestion ... anyone willing to do it?

  9. #9
    Senior Member INMY01TA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JEB99TA
    Would anybody be willing to send in just like $1.00 to Ed to help make this a better place? If just 1 in 5 members did that, it would be $5,000+. That would surely be enough to switch to a more dependable ISP ... if there is such a thing. As ISP's continually upgrade WAN connections and take on requirements to filter more material and stay up on providing safe Internet services ... well, sometimes they DO have bad months. If Ed is confident the future will be brighter with this ISP, then, he's prob right. Then, that $1.00 would be good to upgrade his equipment with. After all, if not for him, we might not have this great place to come and hang out. Let's all try being part of the solution and not a part of the problem ... just a suggestion ... anyone willing to do it?
    This is the slowest board of all the boards I visit. I never had to contribute money to LS1 Tech. and that board is very fast. Considering how I just read a thread yesterday here how Nineball (allegedely) uses all the $$ he makes from the board on his garage full of cars I see no reason why this one should be any slower.

  10. #10
    Senior Member predator's Avatar
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    and if one in 5 ACTIVE members gave a dollar... we would have like $4... that not really gonna do much... might by Ed a cheese burger... MAYBE...

    ok so its not that bad, but we definately dont have 25000 true members... i would be impressed if we had 500 (this includes ppl that barely ever post, but read frequently)...


    and i hate to be an ass and i know its not Ed's fault, but things were once much better... but alot of the traffic is gone since the site was "shut down"... ed's doing a good job of cleaning up a mess... but this mess has a half life of like 5 years... sooo its gonna be a while b4 everything is the way we would all like it to be...

  11. #11
    Yeah, That's right CaptainCaveMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by predator
    and if one in 5 ACTIVE members gave a dollar... we would have like $4... that not really gonna do much... might by Ed a cheese burger... MAYBE...

    ok so its not that bad, but we definately dont have 25000 true members... i would be impressed if we had 500 (this includes ppl that barely ever post, but read frequently)...


    and i hate to be an ass and i know its not Ed's fault, but things were once much better... but alot of the traffic is gone since the site was "shut down"... ed's doing a good job of cleaning up a mess... but this mess has a half life of like 5 years... sooo its gonna be a while b4 everything is the way we would all like it to be...
    I was about to post the same thing.

    Didn't i read somewhere before that we are on a shitty server because no one else will take us thanks to a certain someone not paying bills? I don't see money helping this out. Not the kind of money we would raise from passing a hat anyway.

  12. #12
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    OK then ... what CAN be done to improve this board? I like it a lot. A lot of people welcomed me and made me feel good about being here. I'm not having any problems the last few times I've logged on here. What kind of suggestions do you have to keep it running smoothly? What kind of bandwidth? T1? T3? ... looks like at least a frac T1 (maybe 512?). What kind of hardware runs the board. Is the server behind a DMZ? Bastion host? What backup hardware/media? BKUP Admin software 8x vs 9x? Does anyone KNOW what the hardware environment is?

    It looks to be capable today. Doesn't look as though hardware is an issue. Is it saturation of the bandwidth at peak hours or what?

  13. #13
    Senior Member Bigrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JEB99TA
    OK then ... what CAN be done to improve this board?
    Get someone who will fix the front page of the board so it does not read ls1.con or "We are currently rebuilding our site" For 10 months straight. Retire mods that do nothing or barley post at all and bring in new mods that will do thier job fairly and not just warn/ban people outside of thier circle or train threads.

    Start getting people to pump up the tech forums, and find intrested members who have the knowledge to co-mod those places so they will post more. Get rid of other mods that attack members in open threads since it shows how the site works when a person who is supposed to be watching it acts like a total baby.

    Threads that have the title "I masturbate", or "Your god sucks...religion this and that" should be locked since it drags boards down because no new members want to see stuff like that.

    NWS threads need to be NWS and people should be warned for posting that stuff and the thread deleted if they do not alert people before hand.

    However that would mean people putting some serious time into this site, but since no one is making a dime off this place.....i think brad is maybe making a couple of dollars its not going to happen.

    In all seriousness the only reason this site is working is because brad probably still make SOME cash off of it, after he gets tired of paying it, or he screws this ISP over again they will shut it down and another site like ls1tech, or ls2 will buy out the domain name and make it reroute to thier site.

  14. #14
    Blown, Stroked, & Sprayed

    Ed Blown Vert's Avatar
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    The issue isn't $$$. We are on a shared server. And the ISP doesn't offer dedicated services. I have already mentioned to Brad that we need to find another ISP.

    As for Mods, I would like to find some Mods who would help out in the Tech forums. But I have not found anyone, most want to be one in AAG.

    Thats why you don't see too many Moderators.

    As for the Home Page, I have been waiting for Brad. He was going to make one. But if anyone is willing to design one for me, I would consider it.

    Quote Originally Posted by JEB99TA
    Would anybody be willing to send in just like $1.00 to Ed to help make this a better place? If just 1 in 5 members did that, it would be $5,000+. That would surely be enough to switch to a more dependable ISP ... if there is such a thing. As ISP's continually upgrade WAN connections and take on requirements to filter more material and stay up on providing safe Internet services ... well, sometimes they DO have bad months. If Ed is confident the future will be brighter with this ISP, then, he's prob right. Then, that $1.00 would be good to upgrade his equipment with. After all, if not for him, we might not have this great place to come and hang out. Let's all try being part of the solution and not a part of the problem ... just a suggestion ... anyone willing to do it?

  15. #15
    Senior Member predator's Avatar
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    I WANNA BE A MOD!!!!

    sorry guys just had to...


  16. #16
    Blown, Stroked, & Sprayed

    Ed Blown Vert's Avatar
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    And if you have any warnings. You are not eligible to be a Moderator.
    You can't enforce rules if you can follow them.

  17. #17
    Yeah, That's right CaptainCaveMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Blown Vert
    And if you have any warnings. You are not eligible to be a Moderator.
    You can't enforce rules if you can follow them.
    Really my warning is BS because i flammed someone for posting a topic about doing illegal things which is against the rules in the first place.

  18. #18
    Blown, Stroked, & Sprayed

    Ed Blown Vert's Avatar
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    To be a Moderator, you have to be unbiased and neutral.

  19. #19
    Senior Member predator's Avatar
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    ed.... ummm hate to point this out... but alot of the active members that give a shit are posting in this thread... and ummmm we all have warnings... they happen... most of us are running close to 1000 post... and mine arent from trains (which IS agains the ULA) every one has a bad day, or im my case finds something cool they try to slip under the radar and we get warned... im sure a few of the warnings some of these ppl have ARE bs ones where they insulted someones buddy or something and got a red tag... we have a pretty open site and the ppl that run around here and call it home test the waters...

    some ppl that are mods now... prolly should have warnings, but for some reason they were let to slide while others that are posting right now got busted for the same thing... and since some ppl run double names around here im sure you have 1 or 2 mods that have warnings under some screen names, but are mods under others...

    i mean even sarge had warnings im pretty sure...

    lets review...

    Expletives... yeah right... i drop every swear word possible... prolly used 70% of them in one sentence never been warned... i know someone that is a mod has used one somewhere... and im not complaining... most ppl around here watch movies... and most ppl around here are 18 or over considering the forum... and i think there is a filter you can turn on (not sure been so long since i would have turned it off) if it offends you...

    spamming... well inforced

    flames or derogatory insults... as long as you arent insulting a mod or his friend usually you dont have to worry about a thing... ppl are left to battle it out around here unless someone is just randomly bashing ppl and thats all they do... which is how it should be...

    racism or sexist... dont really see it much so i dont know if ppl just know they cant get away with it or if we just dont do it...

    porn... wooooot my personal favorite warning since thats y i have one... porn runs rampant around here, but its just the way the rule is worded as long as penetration wasnt involved it is allowed to slide...

    "free post"... choooo chooooooooooo choo choooooooooooo.... yeah your telling me that mods arent frequents in trains? im prolly one of the few memebers around here approaching 1000 post that doesnt frequent trains... not saying all my post are useful or well thought out, but there are ppl on here with nearly 10,000 post... U HAVE 16,000

    posting topics... who cares... mistakes happen

    controversial topics... come one we have a seperate political section... thats all that happens in there... and some times you have to step on ppls toes to open thier eyes...

    drugs/narcotics... yeah ppl frequently discuss this...

    illegal/unethical... does not promote street racing, but plz post your stories for all of us to read or enjoy...

    poop threads... what ever the hell that is... just look it up online dont ask us...

    trolling... well inforced...

    threads/replies... *cough* i think im breaking that rule right now... and just for having the balls to bluntly point it out im prolly gonna get a warning...

    "cop bashing"... usually taken care of by cops... and if a cop is an idiot he deserves to be bashed..

    sponsor bashing... if they suck they need bashed...

    mod or admin bashing... bashing happens and in this case the rule is abused by some mods and admins at every site... its not smart in the first place to bash the prison gaurd, but if you have a good mod they should take a joke or bash once in a while without loosing there heads... and i think most do good job around here.

    do warnings ever go away? mine has been holding tight for i think a couple of months... i would think that it would eventually go away...

    ya know i love hanging out here and though asking for mod status was a joke, since im 100% sure that i will never be allowed to be a mod because of bashing, temper and stupid ass post, i would love to be... since i do spend prolly around 5 hours a day farting around on here...

    Last edited by predator; 05-31-2006 at 02:31 AM.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Zboner's Avatar
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    i think if Ed wanted you to be a MOD he would of already made you one at this point.

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