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    Member excrider121's Avatar
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    Meathead advice is needed

    I've been working out 3-5 times a week for the past 6-7 months. I watch what I eat and I finally managed to kick my Mountain Dew habit. I drink a Muscle Milk protein supplement immediately after I work out.

    As I near the end of a set, muscles begin to burn. Not fatigue, just burn. I can stop for 5-10 seconds to allow the burn to dissipate then I can pick up the same amount of weight and get to the same point in the set before the burn returns. Several repetitions of this will fatigue the muscle I'm isolating, (obviously.) Am I correct in saying this burning sensation is lactic acid?

    Here's my question.

    I find myself limited by the mid-set burn. Like I said, I can stop for a few seconds, then pick the weight up again and continue as if I had just started. I get the same burn doing high-rep low weight or low-rep high weight sets.

    Does anyone know of any secrets to keep the acid/burn at bay during a workout to help me maximize my efficiency during my workout?

  2. #2
    Member SScott's Avatar
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    Latic Acid yes.
    Potassium can help a little but nothing is going to get rid of it.
    Eat bananas.

  3. #3
    Impounded 86 IROC-Z's Avatar
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    Push through it. Lactic acid is what separates the winners from the losers.

    Obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.

  4. #4
    Senior Member big hammer's Avatar
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    push past it. pump is a great feeling.

  5. #5
    Senior Member 02ultraZ's Avatar
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    Stretching before and after you lift can help get the lactic acid out or your muscles a little. Also cross training with some type of fast-paced aerobic work out can help.

  6. #6
    used and abused at wot ibanez7's Avatar
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    get off the muscle mike, now

    Muscle Milk is a dirty protein, does more damage then good...

    I did a write up about, dirty vs clean protein its in AAG somewhere.

    most proteins, such as brands like Muscle Milk are more marketing gimicks then anything.
    Reason being is most proteins contain high levels of:

    -artificial sugars
    -cheap protein product

    this is the cleanest brand of protein on the market

    do you homework regarding proteins dirty vs clean. google

    Now in regards to your burn. Yes it is lactic acid and imbalance of your bodies alkali state.. google lactic acid build up and you will learn about it.

    Two things to note about lactic acid:
    1- its a sign that your cardio is not that great. or as great as you might think it is
    2- you could suffer from lactic acidosis

    to combat either...
    -proper stretching/training
    -increased water consumption
    -clean protein/eating habits
    -research supplements (such as creatine/glutomaine, / but stay away from anti-inflamatory. yes they help relieve the pain but also slow down muscle growth.
    -dont work out through the burn, that will damage muscle cells. Its a huge misconception many believe working out through the burn is good. Its not.

    one important tip:
    Eat more green vegetables would help put your body in an alkali state

  7. #7
    rice,its what's fo dinner LeadFarmer's Avatar
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    -stop eating shit food and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER AND ONLY WATER before your workouts. You starve your body of resources if you do otherwise, thus resulting in lactic acid build up.
    -Keep a thing of water with you during a workout and drink continuously.
    -Also if possible try to use natural protein whenever possible and only use a small amount of whey/shakes after your workouts, your body only needs about 15-25g of protein immediately after a workout. Anymore than that just goes to fat.
    -FOR NOW stop lifting and just do cardio while changing your eating habits. You need to increase your overall stamina first, otherwise your going to be doing more harm than good by actually working out.
    - Also keep in mind that you shouldn't be feeling burn, a healthy/in shape person shouldn't experience that much lactic acid build up, especially DURING a workout.

  8. #8
    Member excrider121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez7 View Post
    get off the muscle mike, now

    Muscle Milk is a dirty protein, does more damage then good...

    I did a write up about, dirty vs clean protein its in AAG somewhere.

    most proteins, such as brands like Muscle Milk are more marketing gimicks then anything.
    Reason being is most proteins contain high levels of:

    -artificial sugars
    -cheap protein product

    this is the cleanest brand of protein on the market

    do you homework regarding proteins dirty vs clean. google

    Now in regards to your burn. Yes it is lactic acid and imbalance of your bodies alkali state.. google lactic acid build up and you will learn about it.

    Two things to note about lactic acid:
    1- its a sign that your cardio is not that great. or as great as you might think it is
    2- you could suffer from lactic acidosis

    to combat either...
    -proper stretching/training
    -increased water consumption
    -clean protein/eating habits
    -research supplements (such as creatine/glutomaine, / but stay away from anti-inflamatory. yes they help relieve the pain but also slow down muscle growth.
    -dont work out through the burn, that will damage muscle cells. Its a huge misconception many believe working out through the burn is good. Its not.

    one important tip:
    Eat more green vegetables would help put your body in an alkali state
    I switched to a cardio workout schedule today actually. I plan on mixing between jogging, the eliptical and the stationary bike. I also plan on getting back to tennis and raquetball.

    Thanks for the advice on the muscle milk, it's going in the trash as soon as I get home.

    Quote Originally Posted by LeadFarmer View Post
    -stop eating shit food and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER AND ONLY WATER before your workouts. You starve your body of resources if you do otherwise, thus resulting in lactic acid build up.
    -Keep a thing of water with you during a workout and drink continuously.
    -Also if possible try to use natural protein whenever possible and only use a small amount of whey/shakes after your workouts, your body only needs about 15-25g of protein immediately after a workout. Anymore than that just goes to fat.
    -FOR NOW stop lifting and just do cardio while changing your eating habits. You need to increase your overall stamina first, otherwise your going to be doing more harm than good by actually working out.
    - Also keep in mind that you shouldn't be feeling burn, a healthy/in shape person shouldn't experience that much lactic acid build up, especially DURING a workout.

    Eating shit food and drinking water hasn't been a current problem for some time now. I LOVE water and I can't stand to eat fast foods. I eat lots of fruits and corn (I love me some corn.)

    I haven't had time to look google lactic acid like Ibanez suggested, so riddle me this: How does doing cardio workout reduce lactic acid levels during strength building workouts?

  9. #9
    rice,its what's fo dinner LeadFarmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by excrider121 View Post
    I switched to a cardio workout schedule today actually. I plan on mixing between jogging, the eliptical and the stationary bike. I also plan on getting back to tennis and raquetball.

    Thanks for the advice on the muscle milk, it's going in the trash as soon as I get home.

    Eating shit food and drinking water hasn't been a current problem for some time now. I LOVE water and I can't stand to eat fast foods. I eat lots of fruits and corn (I love me some corn.)

    I haven't had time to look google lactic acid like Ibanez suggested, so riddle me this: How does doing cardio workout reduce lactic acid levels during strength building workouts?
    Without getting to scientific I'll try to explain it in a nutshell. When you workout your body shuttles oxygen to your muscles while breaking down glucose for energy. BUT when you reach a point where your muscles aren't getting enough oxygen your body breaks down the glucose into pyruvate/lactate which temporarily supplies your muscles with energy/oxygen WHILE building up large amount of lactic acid in your muscles. This process can continue for up to 3minutes before your oxygen/energy requirements exceed even what the lactate can supply.

    By increasing your stamina you'll beable to supply oxygen to your muscles longer thus avoiding lactate buildup, so instead of having to stop because your muscles burn due to lactic acid buildup or your short breath you'll have to stop because you just plain can't lift anymore since you'll have pushed that muscle group to it's limit-which is how you get more lean muscle.

  10. #10
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    I see...

    So what do you think about the products that claim to open up your veins to allow more blood flow (and obviously oxygen) to the muscles during a workout?

  11. #11
    used and abused at wot ibanez7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by excrider121 View Post
    I switched to a cardio workout schedule today actually. I plan on mixing between jogging, the eliptical and the stationary bike. I also plan on getting back to tennis and raquetball.

    Thanks for the advice on the muscle milk, it's going in the trash as soon as I get home.

    Eating shit food and drinking water hasn't been a current problem for some time now. I LOVE water and I can't stand to eat fast foods. I eat lots of fruits and corn (I love me some corn.)

    I haven't had time to look google lactic acid like Ibanez suggested, so riddle me this: How does doing cardio workout reduce lactic acid levels during strength building workouts?

    no problem for the info. I have issues with lactic acid burn in my legs, that I am combating and solving. I can lift all day, kickbox for hours, mountain bike all day, but ask me to jog/run or jump rope and I get the burn fast...

    cardio training does not reduce latic acid levels, it increases it.. Any strenuous excercise or motion causes a byproduct of latic acid.

    however if you have strong cardio meaning endurance, it help reduce the lactic acid build up and or help push it back, meaning you dont feel it as fast.

    no matter how great of shape a person can be in, you will always feel lactic acid burn. There is small percentage of people that never do. Its all about the chemistry of your body. Others are very sensitive to the latic acid build up

    as you do more aerobic excercise, while eating proper and taking the proper supplements. Your body chemistry will start to change and perform better.

    remember cardio is all about how fast your body can get fresh blood to your muscles.

    here is a good post about it. it is very chemical in topic.

  12. #12
    used and abused at wot ibanez7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeadFarmer View Post
    Without getting to scientific I'll try to explain it in a nutshell. When you workout your body shuttles oxygen to your muscles while breaking down glucose for energy. BUT when you reach a point where your muscles aren't getting enough oxygen your body breaks down the glucose into pyruvate/lactate which temporarily supplies your muscles with energy/oxygen WHILE building up large amount of lactic acid in your muscles. This process can continue for up to 3minutes before your oxygen/energy requirements exceed even what the lactate can supply.

    By increasing your stamina you'll beable to supply oxygen to your muscles longer thus avoiding lactate buildup, so instead of having to stop because your muscles burn due to lactic acid buildup or your short breath you'll have to stop because you just plain can't lift anymore since you'll have pushed that muscle group to it's limit-which is how you get more lean muscle.
    those statements are true...

    which is why CVAC works, or high altitude training. Many of the fighters are train with, are now using CVAC. I might start this winter.

    see link:

  13. #13
    used and abused at wot ibanez7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by excrider121 View Post
    I see...

    So what do you think about the products that claim to open up your veins to allow more blood flow (and obviously oxygen) to the muscles during a workout?
    ginko bilobo is a herb that claims, opening the veins/capillaries in the brain helps you think faster and smarter.. however ginko is also believed to cause aneurysm in the brain and death...

    personally i dont trust supplements/herbs that claim to increase your vein size. I would rather let my body do that on its own... not worth the aneurysm chance.

  14. #14
    rice,its what's fo dinner LeadFarmer's Avatar
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    simply put the best way to go about it is by doing it naturally. After my workouts I use protein isolate powders for recovery and try to obtain everything else my body needs naturally. Too many of the supplements out on the market today have been linked to cancers and whatnot and clog internal plumbing and do more harm than good.

  15. #15
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    Sounds like your just a little pussy. No proteins, and I drink a case of mt. dew before every workout.

  16. #16
    Impounded 86 IROC-Z's Avatar
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    OP probably lifts plastic covered weights in a corporate air conditioned gym.

    I do it like the ancient Greeks did it. I lift big ass rocks in the dirt and rain. That's why I have the body of a Greek god.

    molon labe, materfvckores

  17. #17
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    I have the body of an ethiopian god.

  18. #18
    Impounded 86 IROC-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smkn_TA View Post
    I have the body of an ethiopian god.
    Abercrombie shirts look tight on even the most malnourished ethiopians.

  19. #19
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    Much in the same way that even the most stretched out women feels tight on my...

  20. #20
    Impounded 86 IROC-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smkn_TA View Post
    Much in the same way that even the most stretched out women feels tight on my... line?

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