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Thread: Burglarized!

  1. #1
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    So I go with the gf downtown to pick up her check from work and when we returned home she went upstairs ahead of me while I was getting stuff from the car. As I exit the car I hear a girl saying "that's her bf right there." The gf then came flying back out the building yelling "someone broke into the house!" I then blazed upstairs only to find that she wasn't kidding. They blazed ass out the back door and according to the scene someone must have been looking out the window and saw us pull up cuz they didn't get much and str8 ripped the comp monitor from the wires. They got her pink laptop w/matching gray and pink bag, my ps3 w/accessories (but only one game), comp monitor, nice Casio I'd been given for my b-day years ago, class ring and a necklass with a pic of me and my son the day he was born. I know all of it can and eventually will be replaced by I feel really bad for my gf cuz she just started online classes this week and the comp wasn't cheap. It may be a lil diff to get into it anyway since her laptop way password and fingerprint locked.

    This is supposed to be a "secured building" in that it has 2 buzzed entry doors, one a steel gate and the bldg entry wooden. For months we have been telling mgmt that the doors have closing issues in that they don't always close all the way. While it is virtually impossible to get in the back doors being that they have steel security gates w/ single cylinder dead-bolt locks on the apartment entry, the front poses very little obstacles to those who really want to get in.

    Well, I spoke with the lil girl a few minutes later after I called the cops and she told me there were guys that had matching items a block down the street. No sooner than she said that, a cop came rolling down the street, but instead of talking to us...they went to disperse the crowd! So there went our best chance of getting out stuff back.

    I know that everyone gets pissed when something gets taken from them, but nothing feels more violating than when someone goes into your crib to get it.

    I been scouting pawn shops and asking around hoping something turns up, but if nothing happens, then its down to square one.

    Please share your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Giant Dicks Car Club Zapper2003's Avatar
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    Buy a gun and kill every motherfucker that looks like a theif.

  3. #3
    Senior Member bluehawk2000's Avatar
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    how did they know to go to your specific apartment, I mean seriously you may call me a conspiracy theoriest. But it sounds like it somebody that has been scouting you out been in your apartment before or something. Cause the way I look at it, is this why waste my time breaking into an apartment to find nothing valueable, so I am going to scout it out for a couple weeks watch this person what their habits are, what time they go here when they arrive back what their normal schedule is. Then they gotta scout out security how hard is it to get in get out, whats the best escape route what kind of locks you have on your door and so on. Somebody that can get in and get out quick is the people you will never catch. So if it was planned along these lines then I feel sorry for you man. Just remember to never have a routine leave at different times return at different times sometimes earlier sometimes later, dont take the same route to that you did from. It will make you unpredictable so it will be harder to get fucked over.

  4. #4
    Moderator doberman 152's Avatar
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    Looks like they new what they were going to get, keep your ears open someone always sings.

  5. #5
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zapper2003 View Post
    Buy a gun and kill every motherfucker that looks like a theif.
    I own a gun. I never leave home without it or they would have had that too. You have no idea how frustrating it is to see that there are a lot of cops that are dog asses. I was hoping to catch at least one running or in the home cuz I would have sent him/her to their maker.

  6. #6
    Senior Member bluehawk2000's Avatar
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    yea but if they are unarmed and you shot and killed them then you would be charged with murder. Know your laws its only assualt with a deadly weapon if you shoot them below the knee caps. And make sure your back drop is clear just incase of a stray bullet cause in a populated city you wouldnt wanna hit a innocent bystander

  7. #7
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluehawk2000 View Post
    how did they know to go to your specific apartment, I mean seriously you may call me a conspiracy theoriest. But it sounds like it somebody that has been scouting you out been in your apartment before or something. Cause the way I look at it, is this why waste my time breaking into an apartment to find nothing valueable, so I am going to scout it out for a couple weeks watch this person what their habits are, what time they go here when they arrive back what their normal schedule is. Then they gotta scout out security how hard is it to get in get out, whats the best escape route what kind of locks you have on your door and so on. Somebody that can get in and get out quick is the people you will never catch. So if it was planned along these lines then I feel sorry for you man. Just remember to never have a routine leave at different times return at different times sometimes earlier sometimes later, dont take the same route to that you did from. It will make you unpredictable so it will be harder to get fucked over.
    I have never had anyone from the hood in my fact, the only company that I have had have been all women and all from 30 miles+ away., so they didn't really know what I had in here I am sure.

    Word is, I found out, that folks have been getting hit hard in the area, but no one says a word. I will NOT be that guy/girl. They have been ringing bells outside and if no one answeres, then that's who gets hit. Our genius prop mgmt. felt the need to put the apt# on the outer gate buzzers. I found out that the girl that lives in the ground level had her car stolen like 2-3 mos ago and about a week ago, after her guy went to the service, her apartment got tossed, the other girl on the 2nd floor got her car stolen by tow truck and another place across the street got hit up for tons of stuff.

    But you are right about something...someone is watching. I don't work around here so no one is tracking me to/from work (thugs don't like to travel far from the familiar.)

  8. #8
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluehawk2000 View Post
    yea but if they are unarmed and you shot and killed them then you would be charged with murder. Know your laws its only assualt with a deadly weapon if you shoot them below the knee caps. And make sure your back drop is clear just incase of a stray bullet cause in a populated city you wouldnt wanna hit a innocent bystander
    If they were in my home when I came in then it's fair game. I would not take a shot in an open area if I wasn't sure I'd hit the right about that. In this cop would have found fault on me.

  9. #9
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doberman 152 View Post
    Looks like they new what they were going to get, keep your ears open someone always sings.
    That is what I am hoping for cause there is usually someone who can't keep their mouth shut.

  10. #10
    Senior Member bluehawk2000's Avatar
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    Dont have to travel to far, a couple block radius is all they need, and I am sure for the person to be tossing as many as they have they have look outs. And the sad thing about it, it sounds like they know faces to names, and they know the names to which apartment it is they live in. So when that person leaves they just go and do the door bell test first to make sure their was nobody left behind.

  11. #11
    Member Mieux97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluehawk2000 View Post
    Dont have to travel to far, a couple block radius is all they need, and I am sure for the person to be tossing as many as they have they have look outs. And the sad thing about it, it sounds like they know faces to names, and they know the names to which apartment it is they live in. So when that person leaves they just go and do the door bell test first to make sure their was nobody left behind.
    Unfortunately that is true...they do work quick.

  12. #12
    Wish I had an LS1. kickflippin1's Avatar
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    Next time you are home, and someone rings the buzzer when you aren't expecting company, dont answer the buzzer. Just sit back with your gun, waiting for the door to get busted in. Bye bye thieves.

  13. #13
    Bone it like you own it FORD RECOVERY EXPERT's Avatar
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  14. #14
    ʢ ൧ ൨ ൩ ൪ ൫ ൬ ൭ ൮Ր Ց Ւ Փ Smittro's Avatar
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    Well for home invasion when I'm home I've got fire power. But for when I'm not home I've got 2 dogs. If they get past that they've earned it.. Remeber locks are for honest people. If they want in they'll get in. Sucks though man feeling helpless is like a kick to the nuts. You said it's a secured building, I'd imagine there are security cameras? You maybe able to get the video of the perps entering the building and exiting. Take that to the police if you can. I dunno may help. Sorry man that sucks..

  15. #15
    Veteran 35th-ANV-SS's Avatar
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    Yeah man that really sucks. Hope you find the m'fer. In the end, what goes around comes around so karma will play havoc on their ass.

  16. #16
    O U 8 1 2 Spaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doberman 152 View Post
    Looks like they new what they were going to get, keep your ears open someone always sings.

    get your self a dog...

  17. #17
    Wish I had an LS1. kickflippin1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 35th-ANV-SS View Post
    Yeah man that really sucks. Hope you find the m'fer. In the end, what goes around comes around so karma will play havoc on their ass.
    Man, karma never makes its way back around to thieves and low lives. They never feel guilty about what they do/did, either. Thieves get away with too much. They are some of the people I hate the most. I just don't understand the mentality of, "Hey, I want that, but I don't have any money, so I'm going to steal it from that person who worked hard for it." If I ever caught someone breaking into my house/car/garage, they better hope I don't get my hands on them. I always feel bad for good people who have things stolen from them, even if they made the mistake of leaving their car windows down, or doors unlocked.

    I fucking hate thieves!

  18. #18
    O U 8 1 2 Spaz's Avatar
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    karma only works on people with morals...

  19. #19
    Veteran 35th-ANV-SS's Avatar
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    If Karma never works how do you explain the millions of people in prisons and jails? Or the thousands that have been executed.

    Trust me, it happens.....maybe not soon, but eventually.

    And yes, thieves are the lowest scum on the Earth.

  20. #20
    Exalted Cyclops 67CamaroRSSS's Avatar
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    My house got burglarized back in 2006. They jumped the wall, cut the lock on the gate and broke in the side door. Tossed the whole house. Got the guns (2), gold stash (3 oz), loose cash (~$1,000) and all the jewelry (rings, necklaces, watches). I didn't have a rider or pix of all of it so couldn't declare on homeowners insurance. Total loss of about $8k or so.

    I left the house at 10am and returned around noon. This was on a Friday so everybody was at work. I knew something was up because there were lights on everywhere. I look for the aluminum bat I keep by the door and noticed it wasn't there. I saw a butcher knife on the floor that they'd dropped for the bat. I hollered as loud as I could, "WHAT THE FUCK" hoping that would startle anybody left. They were gone though. Left out the back door (off of the master bedroom that lets out to the pool). I figured this as the door was wide open.

    Funny thing is they left the sports card collection which is worth more than all that combined. They also didn't take large items (tv, comp, etc). When the cops got there they dusted but the burglars wore gloves. I gave them the serial numbers of the 2 guns but haven't heard anything. I even called all the pawn shops within a 10 mile radius. Nothing.

    Turns out I was the 3rd house in my neighborhood that had been hit.

    I now have an alarm on the house that gets turned on when I leave and when I go to bed. Kinda like closing the barn door after the cows got out but it'll never happen again.

    Even now 3 years later I get pissed off thinking about it. I'd like 1 minute alone with the azzhole..... with my al bat....
    Last edited by 67CamaroRSSS; 09-05-2009 at 10:37 AM.

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